Malik Obama, the half-brother of former President Barack Obama, has come out in support of former President Trump for the 2024 election. Malik explained that he admires Trump’s straightforwardness, demeanor, and leadership qualities, which he believes are good for the country. Malik considers Trump a strong person who has put the country back on course and believes that he is the right choice for president, as a Republican. He cited the hypocrisy and treatment of Trump by the Democratic Party as one of the main reasons for leaving the party.

Malik Obama criticized the Democratic Party for their treatment of Trump and Hillary Clinton’s campaign, claiming that they have been going after Trump relentlessly in an attempt to keep him off the ballot. He expressed his disillusionment with the party and their actions, stating that he believes they will continue their deceptive behavior in 2024. Malik praised Trump for calling out the hypocrisy of the Democrats and for his no-nonsense approach. He expressed his support for Trump since 2016, highlighting Trump’s strong stance against the dishonesty and lack of transparency exhibited by the Democrats.

In addition to his disapproval of the Democrats’ treatment of Trump, Malik also took issue with President Biden and the way his party handled the transition to VP Kamala Harris. He criticized Biden as an old man who could not find the door if shown, while also questioning Harris’ capabilities and suitability for the role. Malik suggested that Michelle Obama would have been a better choice than Harris, whom he referred to as a joke. He also criticized their stance on abortion and immigration, emphasizing his opposition to their policies on these issues.

Malik Obama expressed his strong disapproval of the Democrats’ support for reproductive freedom, which he equated with abortion. He accused the party of promoting evil by advocating for abortion rights, which he finds abominable. Malik also criticized the Democrats’ approach to immigration, particularly the issue of illegal immigrants coming into the United States. He highlighted his own legal immigration process and the difficulties he faced in bringing his children to the country, contrasting this with the ease with which illegal immigrants are allowed to enter and potentially vote.

Malik Obama went on to criticize his half-brother, former President Barack Obama, whom he referred to as fake and accused of doing nothing for his family. He contrasted this with Trump, whom he sees as more sincere and direct in his approach. Malik expressed confidence that Trump would win the 2024 election by a landslide, citing the shortcomings he sees in Harris and the Democratic Party. He conveyed his message of support to Trump, predicting his victory in the upcoming election based on his belief in Trump’s leadership and abilities.

Overall, Malik Obama’s decision to support former President Trump and his criticism of the Democratic Party, Biden, and Harris reflect his disillusionment with the party and his belief in Trump as the right choice for president. He appreciates Trump’s leadership qualities and straightforwardness, which he finds lacking in the Democrats. Malik’s stance on key issues such as abortion, immigration, and family dynamics underscores his support for Trump and his confidence in Trump’s ability to lead the country effectively in the upcoming election.

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