The trend of personal color analysis, where individuals learn what shades are most flattering against their skin tone and features, is making a comeback in New York City. Seklab, a personal color analysis salon in Midtown, has a waitlist of over 2,000 people and appointments are booking up quickly. Co-founded by sisters Lizzie and Lily Heo, the salon offers 80-minute analysis appointments for $245, which are in high demand among women in their 20s and 30s looking to enhance their professional appearance. The popularity of color analysis has been driven by social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram.

Seklab’s color analysis process involves an intake interview about a client’s typical color choices followed by draping large fabric swatches over their shoulders to determine their best shades. In Korean color analysis, each of the four main seasons is further divided into subgroups like “warm spring” or “dark winter.” Clients leave with reference swatches of their best colors, makeup recommendations, and advice on jewelry metal choices. Christine Sachs, a client of Seklab, experienced a significant transformation in her wardrobe after being declared a “light spring” instead of a winter based on her previous color analysis using the “Color Me Beautiful” system.

Other businesses in New York City, like House of Colour and the Outfit Curator, offer similar color analysis services at varying price points. Fernanda Vazquez, owner of the House of Colour outpost in Downtown Brooklyn, charges $585 for a private color analysis lasting two to three hours. Mariana Marques, founder of the Outfit Curator on the Upper West Side, charges $299 for a private analysis and is experiencing a surge in popularity for the service. Clients like Becca Havian have seen positive results from the color analysis, with comments on how the new colors make their eyes pop or how flattering the colors are on them.

The impact of personal color analysis goes beyond just changing a client’s wardrobe. Clients like Christine Sachs and Becca Havian have experienced increased confidence and received compliments from friends and family on their new color choices. Sachs, who changed her everyday uniform from black to light spring colors, noted how her husband noticed a difference in her appearance when she wore the recommended shades. Similarly, Havian has received positive feedback on how the new colors make her eyes pop or are flattering on her.

Overall, the resurgence of personal color analysis in New York City is driven by a desire for individuals to enhance their professional appearance, boost their confidence, and receive compliments on their color choices. With businesses like Seklab, House of Colour, and the Outfit Curator offering personalized color analysis services, clients have the opportunity to discover their best shades, makeup recommendations, and jewelry metal choices. As the trend gains popularity on social media platforms and through word of mouth, more people are seeking out these services to unlock the secret to their most flattering colors.

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