Two men were seen taking a dip in a public pool in Queens, NYC, even though city pools weren’t scheduled to open for another three weeks. The men were seen wearing tank tops and shorts, sitting in knee-deep water without a lifeguard present. The Department of Parks and Recreation issued a statement reminding New Yorkers to only swim in pools during operating hours when lifeguards are on duty.

The Astoria pool was filled earlier than usual this year due to a recent construction project, according to a Department source. However, police stated that they had not received any reports of trespassing at the public pool. Meanwhile, beaches in the area have been open daily for swimming with lifeguards on duty from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. since the end of May. The summer swimming season at these beaches is scheduled to end on September 8th.

Despite city pools not being open yet, two individuals decided to take a dip in the Astoria Park Pool in Queens. The two were seen enjoying the water without lifeguards present, sparking concerns about safety. City officials reminded New Yorkers to use pools only during operating hours when lifeguards are on duty for their safety. The incident occurred at a time when the city’s pools are not usually filled with water, but the Astoria pool was an exception due to a recent construction project.

While pools in NYC are scheduled to open on June 27th, beaches have been open for swimming with lifeguards on duty since the end of May. The two men took advantage of the pool being filled earlier than usual but were not supposed to be swimming without lifeguards. It is unclear how they gained access to the pool, as there were no reports of trespassing at the public pool. The incident highlights the desire for New Yorkers to cool off early in the summer heat, even if it means breaking the rules and risking safety concerns.

As the city prepares for the summer swimming season, incidents like this serve as reminders for the importance of following safety protocols. The Department of Parks and Recreation emphasized the need for lifeguards to be present at pools to ensure the safety of swimmers. Despite the early swim season at the Astoria pool, the two individuals were not supposed to take a dip without proper supervision. The incident drew attention to summer activities in NYC and the eagerness of residents to enjoy the water, even if it means bending the rules. With the official opening of pools just weeks away, New Yorkers are encouraged to stay safe and follow guidelines to enjoy swimming in the city.

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