Security camera footage caught a suspected porch pirate attempting to steal a fake parcel intentionally left on a Queens homeowner’s stoop as part of a trap set up by Carlos Mejia. Mejia had decided to create decoy packages in order to catch thieves who had been raiding his parcels. Mejia stated that he wanted to make an example for those who were stealing from others.

The video from Mejia’s home security system shows a man entering his yard, grabbing a box from the front steps, and trying to put it into his backpack. Mejia then emerges from his house wielding a baseball bat. The suspect is clearly terrified and expresses his fear by shouting. When confronted by Mejia, the alleged thief claims that the item in the bag belongs to him and offers to give it back.

The police were called and the suspected porch pirate was arrested. He was identified as 30-year-old Victor Stazzone and is facing charges of petit larceny, criminal possession of stolen property, and criminal trespass. Stazzone’s attempt to steal the decoy package ended up being caught on camera, leading to his arrest. Mejia’s efforts to catch thieves in the act were successful in this instance, showing that his trap had worked effectively.

This incident highlights the ongoing issue of porch piracy, where thieves steal packages left on doorsteps. Mejia’s actions to catch thieves in the act demonstrate the frustration that many homeowners face due to this type of theft. By setting up a trap with decoy packages, Mejia was able to catch a suspect and have him arrested, signaling his commitment to protecting his property and deterring thieves in his neighborhood.

The video of the incident shows the tension between Mejia, the homeowner, and Stazzone, the suspected porch pirate. Mejia’s use of a baseball bat to confront the thief adds a dramatic element to the confrontation. Stazzone’s fear and attempts to explain himself to Mejia further emphasize the intensity of the situation. The exchange between the two individuals captures the emotions involved in confronting a suspected thief in the act of stealing.

Overall, Mejia’s efforts to catch porch pirates in his neighborhood and the subsequent arrest of Stazzone shed light on the issue of package theft and the lengths homeowners may go to protect their property. The video footage of the incident serves as evidence of Stazzone’s attempt to steal from Mejia’s home, leading to his arrest and potential legal consequences. This story serves as a cautionary tale to those who seek to steal packages from doorsteps and highlights the importance of vigilance and taking action to prevent theft.

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