New York Representative Jamaal Bowman is facing accusations of lying about his positions on Israel, with claims that he publicly condemned anti-Israel protests while privately expressing support for radical socialist groups. Bowman had claimed to have let his membership with the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) lapse after previous disagreements, but allegedly told DSA members during an endorsement interview that he was still a member. He also indicated that he personally supports the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which aims to economically harm Israel to advance Palestinian interests.

Bowman’s district covers most of Westchester County and the north Bronx, where there are diverse populations with varying views on Israel. Despite not publicly stating his support for BDS and previously voting for Iron Dome defense funding for Israel, Bowman indicated to DSA members that he wants to go public with his support for BDS to stimulate discussion on achieving peace, justice, and safety for all people. He described BDS as a nonviolent protest opportunity to hold Israel accountable and expressed a willingness to collaborate with them on the best way to achieve this.

During the DSA endorsement interview, Bowman stated that he now opposes Iron Dome defense funding for Israel, attributing his past support for it to show constituents that he was not against the Jewish people. However, he accused Israel of committing genocide in Gaza in response to an attack by Hamas, leading him to withdraw his support for funding to the country. Bowman’s shift in stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict has garnered criticism from supporters of Israel, including his opponent in the Democratic Party primary, George Latimer, who has received backing from pro-Israel advocates.

Latimer, who opposes BDS and supports Iron Dome funding for Israel, has gained a considerable lead over Bowman in a recent poll ahead of the primary election. His supporters have accused Bowman of being a dishonest candidate desperate for re-election, with Democratic Majority for Israel Chairman Mark Mellman criticizing Bowman’s character and truthfulness. The accusations of lying about his positions on Israel have further intensified the political rivalry between Bowman and Latimer, highlighting the complexities and controversies surrounding views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in American politics.

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