The Italian Social Security Institute (Inps) has announced a new feature that allows all offices to manage applications for the bonus for nursery school. Already, some of the approved applications have been paid out. This benefit is available for the payment of fees related to the attendance of public or privately authorized nurseries and for the use of support services at home for children under three years of age who suffer from serious chronic illnesses.

Furthermore, within the first six years of a child’s life (or from when an adopted child enters the family), employed parents can take up to two months of parental leave paid at 80%. Inps has issued instructions on the provision outlined in the Budget Law, which introduces an additional month paid at 60% of the salary, increasing to 80% for the year 2024. The total number of months of leave remains the same, but the subsidy for one month has been increased. Another seven months are compensated at 30%, regardless of income level. Remaining periods of parental leave, up to a maximum of 10 or 11 months (in the case that the working father takes a continuous or fragmented break of at least three months), are not compensated unless the parent has an individual income less than 2.5 times the amount of the minimum pension contribution from the Insurance Institute. In this case, they are compensated at 30% of their salary.

Moreover, the Inps has unveiled a new measure allowing workers over the age of 55 to receive economic incentives to leave a company where they have been employed for a certain period. The cash grant may vary from a minimum of €13,500 to €28,000, depending on the length of service and the worker’s age. Only companies with at least 15 employees are eligible to apply for the subsidy, which is also contingent upon the rehiring of a worker under the age of 35. This initiative aims to encourage the renewal of the workforce and promote the inclusion of younger employees in the job market.

In addition, the Inps has introduced another provision granting parental leave to parents who adopt a child over the age of six. This allows adoptive parents to take time off work, receiving 30% of their salary for up to two months. The purpose of this measure is to support families who adopt older children and ensure that they can dedicate time to their new family members during the adjustment period. Parental leave for adopted children over six years old is an important step towards providing comprehensive support for families and promoting adoption as a viable option for those who wish to expand their family.

Furthermore, the Inps has launched a new online platform for parents to manage and monitor their family allowance claims. This service allows parents to check the status of their applications, update their personal information, and receive notifications about any changes to their benefits. The platform aims to streamline the process of applying for family allowances and ensure that parents have easy access to information about their entitlements. By digitizing these services, the Inps hopes to improve efficiency and transparency in the administration of family benefits, ultimately benefiting families across Italy.

In conclusion, the Inps continues to introduce new measures and services to support families in Italy. From bonuses for nursery school to parental leave provisions for adoptive parents, the Inps is committed to providing financial assistance and support to families in different circumstances. The launch of online platforms and the introduction of incentives for older workers demonstrate the Inps’s dedication to modernizing its services and adapting to the changing needs of Italian families. Through these initiatives, the Inps aims to promote social welfare and enhance the well-being of families across Italy.

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