Emmanuel Macron gave a speech in front of General Electric employees at the turbine manufacturing site in Belfort on February 10, 2022. In an interview with regional newspapers from the EBRA group, President Macron announced that the acquisition of General Electric’s nuclear activities by EDF has finally been completed and will be effective on Friday. EDF will officially take over General Electric’s nuclear activities on May 31, including the maintenance and manufacturing of Arabelle turbines, a key component of nuclear power plants. Macron emphasized that this transaction will allow France to regain control over turbine production, with the potential for profitability by producing for both domestic and international markets.

In 2015, General Electric acquired the energy branch of Alstom after a long political and economic controversy that started in the spring of 2014. Emmanuel Macron was the Minister of Economy at the time of the acquisition. In February 2022, EDF and GE announced an exclusivity agreement to discuss the sale of GE Steam Power, the nuclear division of the American conglomerate, to the French energy company. Macron, from Belfort, also announced the revival of a large-scale French nuclear program during this time. However, the completion of the operation was delayed due to geopolitical issues, particularly disagreements surrounding the presence of Russian company Rosatom among the clients of this nuclear activity.

When questioned about the timing of the announcement, just ten days before the European elections, Macron stated that it was primarily a business decision and not influenced by the election schedule. He expressed that if he could have announced it in December, he would have been even more pleased. Macron confirmed that challenges such as the opposition of the United States to the involvement of Rosatom had been addressed and resolved. The acquisition of General Electric’s nuclear activities by EDF marks a significant development in France’s nuclear industry and underscores Macron’s dedication to promoting nuclear power as part of the country’s energy strategy.

The acquisition of General Electric’s nuclear activities by EDF represents a significant milestone in the French energy sector. The purchase includes the takeover of maintenance and manufacturing operations for Arabelle turbines, which are crucial components of nuclear power plants. Macron highlighted the importance of this transaction in allowing France to regain control over turbine production and potentially increase profitability by serving both domestic and international markets. This move also reflects Macron’s commitment to revitalizing the French nuclear industry and promoting nuclear power as a key element of the country’s energy strategy.

The history of the acquisition dates back to 2015 when General Electric acquired the energy branch of Alstom after a lengthy and controversial process. Macron, who was the Minister of Economy at the time, played a role in the finalization of this deal. Subsequently, in February 2022, EDF and GE entered into an exclusivity agreement for the sale of GE Steam Power, the nuclear division of General Electric, to the French energy company. Macron’s announcement of the revival of a large-scale French nuclear program from Belfort signaled a commitment to expanding the country’s nuclear capabilities. However, the completion of the transaction faced delays due to geopolitical obstacles, including concerns about the involvement of Russian company Rosatom in the nuclear activities.

Despite the timing of the announcement, just days before the European elections, Macron emphasized that the decision was primarily driven by business considerations and not influenced by political factors. He acknowledged the challenges and discussions around the presence of Rosatom as a client of the nuclear activity but stated that these issues had been addressed and resolved. The completion of the acquisition marks a significant step forward for France’s nuclear industry and underscores Macron’s vision for a strong and competitive energy sector. The reassertion of France’s position in nuclear power production through the acquisition of General Electric’s nuclear activities by EDF reflects a strategic move to strengthen the country’s energy independence and technological expertise in the global market.

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