In an effort to crack down on supporters of the Islamist terrorist organization Hamas, police and the North Rhine-Westphalia Interior Ministry conducted raids on the group “Palästina Solidarität Duisburg.” The group had recently been banned by the NRW Interior Ministry. The raids took place in Duisburg, where leaders of the group were believed to reside. Properties linked to the group were searched by police officers.

The NRW Interior Minister, Herbert Reul, emphasized the importance of the ban on “Palästina Solidarität Duisburg,” stating that it sends a clear message against extremism. The Minister highlighted concerns that behind the facade of solidarity with Palestine often lies anti-Semitic sentiments, similar to those exhibited by the banned organization. The state’s firm stance against extremism was underscored as a necessary measure in combating hatred and violence.

The group “Palästina Solidarität Duisburg” was described by the Interior Ministry as an association focused on Palestine solidarity work, particularly in Duisburg but also across regions. Their objectives include advocating for the liberation of Palestine within the borders of 1947, before the establishment of the State of Israel. The group explicitly aligns itself with Palestinian resistance in all forms, including the Hamas terrorist organization’s armed struggle against Israel. Their ideology is characterized by an anti-Israel and anti-Semitic worldview, as evidenced by their dissemination of antisemitic content in public settings and on social media platforms.

The Interior Ministry expressed concerns over the spreading of hatred and violence by “Palästina Solidarität Duisburg,” which exacerbates tensions between Israelis and Palestinians while endangering the lives of Israeli citizens and Jews residing in Germany. The group’s online presence has been banned, with instructions to shut down any related websites. Furthermore, the formation of successor organizations and the use of their identifiers have been prohibited. The group’s assets will be confiscated and handed over to the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

The police raids in Duisburg targeted locations associated with the banned group, where leaders were believed to be residing. The raids were part of a broader effort to dismantle the infrastructure supporting Hamas and other extremist organizations. The proactive measures taken by law enforcement highlight the government’s commitment to combating terrorism and promoting peace and security in the region.

In response to the ban and police raids, supporters of “Palästina Solidarität Duisburg” may face legal repercussions for their involvement with the group. The crackdown on Hamas sympathizers underscores the ongoing threat posed by extremist organizations, necessitating continued vigilance and enforcement actions. The government’s decisive actions against hate groups send a strong message that extremism and violence will not be tolerated in society. The ban on “Palästina Solidarität Duisburg” represents a step towards safeguarding the community from divisive and dangerous ideologies.

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