The Charlie Daniels Journey Home Project, established by country music icon Charlie Daniels in 2014, celebrates ten years of giving back to America’s heroes. The nonprofit organization supports U.S. military veterans and first responders by raising about $4 million and forming relationships with various veteran-advocacy organizations. Charlie Daniels’ longtime manager, David Corlew, who is now the president and COO of the Journey Home Project, continues the mission after Daniels’ passing in July 2020. The project provides support for the return, rehabilitation, and reintegration back into civilian life for veterans and first responders.

Corlew, alongside Daniels, started the organization to address the need for veteran support and to identify other organizations that do good work. He notes that veteran care has become generational, with kids witnessing divorces and even parents taking their own lives. The project has also helped develop the Charlie and Hazel Daniels Veterans and Families Assistance Program at Middle Tennessee State University. In addition to raising funds, the Journey Home team established the annual Charlie Daniels Patriot Awards to honor individuals or groups that exemplify the project’s mission of caring for and supporting those who have served the country.

The Charlie Daniels Patriot Awards will take place on September 11 this year and will honor three recipients, including broadcaster Storme Warren, former NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik, and Tom Higgins of Fiserv Incorporated in Milwaukee. The Vigianos, a three-generation family of first responders from Long Island, New York, will also be recognized, including those who perished while responding on 9/11. While typically held in October, this year’s event on 9/11 is symbolic in honoring those who served. Corlew encourages donations to the Journey Home Project to continue the mission and spread love and support to veterans and first responders.

Despite the loss of Charlie Daniels, Corlew continues to carry out the project’s mission with the support of Daniels’ team, including his wife Hazel Daniels. The organization has broadened its efforts with more individuals wanting to help. Corlew emphasizes that supporting veterans is a nonpartisan issue and hopes the country will continue to work in that direction. The project offers support for veterans and first responders, focusing on their return, rehabilitation, and reintegration back into civilian life. Corlew recognizes the need for organizations that can provide assistance and encourages others to spread love and support for those who have served the country.

In conclusion, the Charlie Daniels Journey Home Project has made a significant impact in supporting U.S. military veterans and first responders over the past decade. Through fundraising efforts, partnerships with advocacy organizations, and the establishment of the Charlie Daniels Patriot Awards, the project continues to honor and support those who have served their country. With a focus on providing assistance for veterans’ return to civilian life and addressing generational challenges, the organization remains committed to its mission of caring for America’s heroes. As the project moves forward without its founder, Charlie Daniels, the team continues to spread love, support, and awareness for the needs of veterans and first responders across the country.

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