Noemi Florea, the founder of Laero Design Studio and creator of Cycleau, a greywater management system, has been making waves in the industry with her innovative approach to water conservation. Her journey began in Baltimore, where she encountered communities facing water justice issues similar to those in other post-industrial cities like Flint, Michigan, and Jackson, Mississippi. Seeing the challenges faced by these communities, Noemi was inspired to create a compact water reuse system designed to recycle greywater into drinking water. This system has the potential to not only save millions of gallons of water each year but also help protect families from water insecurity.

The Cycleau system is currently being tested on Governor’s Island in New York City, where Noemi and her team are experimenting with different setups to determine the system’s efficiency. One of the challenges Noemi faces is getting people to understand the concept of water rescue and the importance of water conservation. By engaging communities and utilities in the practicality of the issue, Noemi hopes to not only save water but also help troubled utilities find a sustainable solution without raising rates. This novel intervention could break the cycle of disinvestment, degradation, and poverty in which many communities are trapped.

Noemi’s work has been supported by the Swarovski Young Creatives Program, highlighting the importance of empowering young women leaders in the field of innovation. The program aims to provide resources and support to young innovators, especially those working on creative solutions to climate change and social justice issues. By tailoring resources to the needs of marginalized groups and fostering innovation, the program seeks to create a strong network of creative talent to drive positive change in the world.

The Swarovski Foundation’s commitment to supporting youth development aligns with the program’s goals, as they work towards actionable support for the Sendai Framework for Climate Action and the Sustainable Development Goals. By providing platforms like the Creatives for Our Future program, the foundation aims to surface and support the talent of young thinkers and innovators like Noemi Florea. Through her participation in the program, Noemi has been able to test and perfect her product, expanding her research to understand building scale data and costs in various settings.

Looking ahead, Noemi plans to apply her product in public housing buildings in Brooklyn, partner with organizations like UNICEF in Tajikistan, and address water conservation needs in small towns in Mexico. Her innovative approach to water conservation has the potential to make a significant impact on communities facing water insecurity and rising water utility bills. With support from programs like the Swarovski Young Creatives, Noemi is well on her way to revolutionizing the way we think about water management and conservation.

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