Noam Chomsky, the influential linguist, activist, and social critic, is currently recovering from a massive stroke he had a year ago in a Sao Paulo hospital in Brazil, where he was taken by his wife Valeria on an ambulance jet following the June 2023 stroke. At 95 years old, Chomsky has difficulty speaking and his right side is affected, requiring daily visits from a neurologist, speech therapist, and lung specialist. Despite his health challenges, Chomsky remains engaged with current events, expressing lament and anger at images from the war in Gaza by raising his left arm.

Known for challenging U.S. policy and what he sees as a compliant media, Chomsky is regarded as a symbol of protest and independence by many around the world. He has written numerous books and essays that have been read and discussed by millions, addressing topics ranging from the Middle East to Central America. Chomsky’s impact extends beyond his academic work; he has been a vocal critic of government actions and has advocated for a more just and equitable world.

Initially a faculty member at MIT, Chomsky joined the College of Social & Behavioral Sciences at the University of Arizona in 2017, where he is currently listed as the Laureate Professor of Linguistics, Agnese Helms Haury Chair. He revolutionized the study of linguistics with his influential 1957 book, “Syntactic Structures,” in which he proposed the theory that humans possess an innate ability for language, allowing them to form and comprehend sentences that they have never encountered before. This groundbreaking work has had a lasting impact on the field of linguistics.

Despite his health struggles, Chomsky’s intellect and influence remain undiminished, and he continues to inspire others through his work and activism. His dedication to challenging power structures and advocating for justice has made him a respected figure in the realm of social and political criticism. While his physical abilities may be limited, his mind remains sharp, and his commitment to speaking out against injustice endures.

Chomsky’s impact on linguistics, activism, and social criticism is undeniable, and his work continues to shape conversations and movements around the world. His contributions to the study of language and his critiques of government policies have left a lasting legacy that will be remembered for generations to come. As he continues his recovery in Brazil, Chomsky’s influence and ideas serve as a reminder of the importance of speaking truth to power and advocating for a more just and equitable society.

As Noam Chomsky remains in the hospital recuperating from his stroke, his wife Valeria has been by his side, providing support and care. The couple has a residence in Brazil, and Valeria has accompanied him on his journey to seek medical treatment and rehabilitation. While Chomsky’s health remains a concern, his resilience and determination are evident, and he continues to engage with the world around him, expressing his views on current events and maintaining his commitment to social justice.

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