A series of earthquakes in the district of Sulusaray in Tokat caused panic as back-to-back tremors hit the area. Following the 4.7 and 4.1 magnitude earthquakes at night, another tremor of 5.6 magnitude occurred at 18:11. The earthquake occurred at a depth of approximately 6 kilometers and was felt not only in Tokat but also in Aksaray, Kırıkkale, Çorum, Kayseri, Çankırı, Kırşehir, Samsun, Yozgat, and Sivas.

Fortunately, there were no casualties in the earthquake, but in Tokat, 2 houses, 5 barns, and 2 minarets were damaged. Additionally, a two-story building collapsed in Yozgat, and minor damages occurred in 8 villages.

Over two hundred reports were made to the emergency call centers in the two provinces. Multiple AFAD teams were dispatched to Tokat and Yozgat from other cities to assist with the situation.

In response to the earthquakes, schools in the entire province of Tokat and in the Kadışehri, Çekerek, and Aydıncık districts of Yozgat were closed for one day.

Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Abdulkadir Uraloğlu made a statement regarding the condition of bridges and roads in the region following the 5.6 magnitude earthquake in Sulusaray, Tokat. Uraloğlu expressed his sympathies to the people in the region and stated that initial inspections of the bridges and roads in their responsibility areas did not reveal any significant damage.

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