Former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley visited Israel and left a message of support for the IDF by signing an artillery shell with the words “Finish them! America loves Israel always.” Pictures of Haley signing the projectile were posted by Danny Danon, a member of Israel’s Knesset and former ambassador to the U.N. During her visit, Haley met with military leaders and survivors of the October 7 attacks by a Palestinian terror group that killed around 1,200 Israelis and took 240 people captive. Haley has been a strong supporter of Israel’s war efforts and reiterated her support for the country during her visit.

Recently, the Israeli military forces have been facing increased international pressure due to the escalating casualty list of the war. An Israeli air strike in Rafah, a southern Gaza city, resulted in the death of at least 45 people, with Netanyahu calling it a “tragic mishap.” Witnesses reported Israeli tanks in the center of Rafah for the first time, as Israel continues its ground operation in the city. Israel has stated it cannot secure victory without taking Rafah and eliminating several Hamas battalions. Haley’s message of solidarity with Israel comes at a critical time for its military forces.

During her visit, Haley expressed unwavering support for Israel, emphasizing America’s backing for the country. In a video posted by Danon, Haley stated, “Americans are with you—a 1,200 people were brutally murdered. Let’s not forget what happened on Oct. 7. Because Hamas has said they’re going to do it again. We owe it to make sure it never happens again.” Haley also emphasized the role of Hamas in starting the conflict and stated that Israel must do whatever is necessary to protect its people. She identified Israel’s enemies as enemies of America as well, citing the common threats faced by both nations.

Haley’s support for Israel’s military mission continued on Wednesday as she reiterated that Israel did not initiate the war but rather it was started by Hamas. She highlighted the brutality of the attacks on Israeli families and the violence carried out by Hamas fighters and Palestinian civilians. Haley emphasized that Israel must take all necessary measures to protect its people from such evil acts and reiterated her belief that Israel is fighting against enemies of America as well. She referenced the chants of “death to Israel” and “death to America” by Iran and Hamas, emphasizing the shared threat posed to both nations.

During her trip, Haley met with survivors of the October 7 attacks, including 20-year-old nurse Tali Biner who hid for hours to survive. Haley’s message of solidarity with Israel was clear throughout her visit, with her vocal support for the country and its military efforts against Hamas. She condemned the brutal attacks on Israeli families and emphasized the need for Israel to defend itself against such violence. Haley’s visit underscored the close relationship between the United States and Israel, with America standing firmly behind the country in its battle against terrorism and threats to its security.

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