Former GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley, who once described voting for Donald Trump as “like suicide for our country,” recently acknowledged Trump’s existence when pressed about his candidacy. In an interview with CBS News’ Margaret Brennan, Haley stated that she believes Trump is the Republican nominee, but she does not necessarily agree with his style, approach, or communications. Haley previously criticized Trump during her own presidential campaign, calling him “unhinged” and questioning his qualifications to be president. Despite these remarks, she endorsed Trump after suspending her campaign in May, and has offered to help his campaign if needed.

During the interview, Haley mentioned that she believes Trump is a better candidate than Democratic nominee Kamala Harris, which is why she supports him. She also stated that she has had discussions with Trump in June, indicating that she is ready to assist his campaign if necessary. This comes shortly after former Vice President Dick Cheney announced his support for Harris, highlighting the split within the GOP regarding the upcoming presidential election. So far, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is the only person from a GOP presidential ticket to publicly endorse Trump.

Haley’s reluctance to fully endorse Trump reflects the ambivalence and division within the Republican Party regarding his candidacy. While she acknowledges his status as the Republican nominee, she expresses reservations about his leadership style and communication methods. Despite her previous criticisms of Trump, Haley’s decision to endorse him underscores the political realities and dynamics at play within the GOP. Her willingness to assist Trump’s campaign highlights the importance of party unity and the desire to defeat the Democratic nominee.

The contrast between Haley’s support for Trump and Cheney’s endorsement of Harris underscores the rift within the Republican Party over Trump’s candidacy. Cheney’s decision to support the Democratic nominee reflects the concerns that some Republicans have about Trump’s leadership and policy decisions. On the other hand, Haley’s decision to back Trump shows that despite their differences, many Republicans still prioritize party loyalty and defeating the Democratic candidate in the upcoming election.

Overall, Haley’s tepid support for Trump highlights the difficult position that many Republicans find themselves in during the 2020 presidential election. While some GOP members are openly endorsing Democratic candidates, others are reluctantly backing Trump in order to maintain party unity and prevent a Democratic victory. The upcoming election will test the strength of the Republican Party and its ability to overcome internal divisions in order to secure a win in November.

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