The selection of the mayoral candidate for Bari, Italy may be nearing a turning point with the possible emergence of former parliamentarian Nicola Colaianni as the candidate of the “campo largo” coalition. Former governor of Puglia Nichi Vendola has been seeking a solution, and according to Colaianni, they have discussed the possibility of a joint candidacy within the center-left. Colaianni stated that he was contacted by Vendola and that he is generally open to the idea of running for mayor. This potential candidacy is seen as a way to restore unity within the “campo largo” coalition for the upcoming municipal elections in Bari.

The Convenzione, the electoral alliance supporting Michele Laforgia’s candidacy, is currently meeting and discussing the possibility of Colaianni as a candidate. Vendola has reportedly proposed Colaianni’s name to the Democratic Party (Pd), which is backing candidate Vito Leccese. The need for a third candidate emerged following a rift between Giuseppe Conte of the 5 Star Movement and Elly Schlein of the Democratic Party after a corruption scandal involving center-left politicians in Puglia. Conte had initially supported the idea of primary elections to choose between Laforgia and Leccese, but withdrew his support in light of the scandal, leading to the search for an alternative candidate.

Efforts to find a new candidate come after a series of corruption scandals involving center-left politicians in Puglia, which soured the relationship between the 5 Star Movement and the Democratic Party. The idea of primary elections to decide on a candidate had initially been proposed as a way to involve voters and supporters in the selection process, but was abandoned following Conte’s withdrawal and the need for a third candidate. The emergence of Colaianni as a potential candidate offers a chance to bridge the gap between the different factions within the center-left coalition and present a united front for the upcoming municipal elections in Bari.

The potential candidacy of Colaianni represents a possible opportunity to revitalize the “campo largo” coalition and present a strong and united front for the mayoral elections in Bari. Vendola’s involvement in proposing Colaianni as a candidate suggests a desire to bring together the different factions within the coalition and move past the current tensions and divisions. The ongoing discussions within the Convenzione and with the Democratic Party indicate a willingness to explore alternative options in response to the challenges facing the center-left coalition in Bari.

Overall, the selection process for the mayoral candidate in Bari reflects the complex dynamics and challenges facing the center-left coalition in the wake of corruption scandals and internal rifts. The emergence of Colaianni as a potential candidate offers a glimmer of hope for restoring unity and presenting a strong front for the upcoming municipal elections. The involvement of key figures such as Vendola and the ongoing discussions within the coalition signal a willingness to adapt and find solutions to the current divisions, with the ultimate goal of success in the elections and effective governance for the city of Bari.

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