The Koniambo Nickel SAS (KNS) factory in Vavouto, Voh, New Caledonia, is set to close on August 31, 2024, leaving 1,200 employees without jobs. This closure comes amidst a major economic crisis in the region, with violent uprisings causing billions of euros in damage. The closure of the factory is a devastating blow to many employees who have been part of the project since its inception. Promised by Charles de Gaulle in 1966, the factory was a key element in the peace agreement signed in 1998. The closure marks the end of an era for many workers who have dedicated their lives to the project.

For many employees, the closure of the KNS factory represents a loss of not just a job, but a way of life. Many workers have grown up alongside the project, with the factory being a central part of the community. The factory was a symbol of hope and progress, representing a chance for economic development and growth in the region. The closure of the factory is seen as a setback for the independentists who fought for its establishment as part of the mining agreement in 1997. The closure marks the end of an era, with many workers uncertain about their future livelihoods.

One such worker is Jovenka Cherika, who joined KNS in 2006 as a metallurgy graduate. She has since risen through the ranks to become a supervisor at the factory, overseeing a team of twenty workers. Jovenka is part of a generation of workers who have built their lives around the factory, with many family members also employed there. The closure of the factory has left her and many others feeling uncertain about their future prospects. The closure of the factory has had a ripple effect on the community, with many families now facing financial insecurity.

The closure of the KNS factory has wider implications for the region, with the loss of jobs expected to have a significant impact on the local economy. The closure comes at a time of heightened tensions in the area, with violent clashes causing widespread damage and uncertainty. The closure of the factory marks the end of an era for many workers who have dedicated their lives to the project. The closure of the factory is seen as a blow to the region’s economy, with many workers now facing an uncertain future.

The closure of the KNS factory has left many workers feeling uncertain about their future, with the loss of jobs expected to have a significant impact on the local community. The closure of the factory marks the end of an era for many workers who have dedicated their lives to the project. The closure of the factory is seen as a devastating blow to many workers who have built their lives around the factory. The closure of the factory has left many workers feeling uncertain about their future prospects, with many families now facing financial insecurity. Despite the challenges ahead, many workers remain hopeful that they will be able to rebuild their lives and find new opportunities in the future.

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