Saturday’s Connections puzzle featured a grid of 16 words that needed to be arranged into four groups of four by figuring out the links between them. Each group was color-coded based on difficulty levels, with the purple group typically being the hardest due to wordplay. Players could shuffle the words to help see connections between them and submit their answers. Making four mistakes meant game over, but hints and answers were provided to assist players in solving the puzzle.

Today’s words included DRUM, TRACK, SYMPHONY, WIG, CONDUCTOR, WAX, CYMBAL, IDEAL, CAR, MODEL, MARK, SIMMER, EXAMPLE, SCIMITAR, STATION, and SYMBOL. The hints for each group were emblematic for the yellow group, rail-related for the green group, partial homonyms for the blue group, and linked to a body part for the purple group. The answers revealed that the yellow group consisted of EXAMPLE, IDEAL, MODEL, and SYMBOL, the green group included CAR, CONDUCTOR, STATION, and TRACK, the blue group had CYMBAL, SCIMITAR, SIMMER, and SYMPHONY, and the purple group featured DRUM, MARK, WAX, and WIG.

The author of the article shared that they had achieved a perfect game and win in a row by successfully solving the puzzle. They shared their thought process, mentioning that CONDUCTOR helped in figuring out the green group while WAX and WIG were key to solving the purples. The yellows were the next to be solved, leaving the blues as the final group, which the author admitted they would not have figured out on their own. The article concluded with a reminder to check the blog for hints and solutions for the next day’s game.

The author also mentioned a brief break from their series on “British bands Kris listened to a lot while growing up” to share a song that had been stuck in their head and their excitement for an upcoming Green Day concert. They expressed their anticipation of seeing Green Day perform live for the first time in a long while during the summer. Overall, the article provided players with insights into solving the Connections puzzle, offered hints and answers for the specific game, and shared personal experiences and interests related to music and live concerts.

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