New York lawmakers have voted to extend the deadline for the final state budget to ensure that the National Guard gets paid and state operations run smoothly. The initial April 1 deadline was missed, but progress is being made on key items such as funding for schools. Governor Kathy Hochul stated that there is a lot of agreement on where the state needs to go, and lawmakers are working to avoid a situation like last year when the budget deadline was missed by almost a month due to disagreements. The deadline has been extended to April 8, with plans for further extensions to ensure state workers continue getting paid.

Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins emphasized the importance of taking care of those who depend on the state’s system. Lawmakers need to finalize how the state distributes education funding to schools, with Hochul’s proposed plan drawing criticism for potentially resulting in some districts receiving less money. The uncertainty caused by the budget extension has left school districts in a difficult position as they face deadlines for submitting their own spending plans to the public. Discussions on the budget often happen behind closed doors, causing concern among public employees, school districts, and municipalities regarding the lack of details on the final financial plan.

Hochul is working with legislative leaders to establish a mechanism that will provide notice and warning to districts about potential changes to the funding formula. The budget talks also involve negotiations on a housing deal that includes new construction, tenant protections, and a tax break for developers to encourage building. Hochul’s executive budget proposal aims to upgrade state properties for the creation of up to 15,000 housing units. Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie mentioned that there is progress in the discussions but acknowledged that more work needs to be done to reach a consensus. Lawmakers are striving to ensure that school districts understand the amount of money the state will allocate towards them as they work towards a final budget agreement.

The extension of the budget deadline has raised concerns about the lack of transparency in the negotiation process, with Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay highlighting the need for clarity on the state’s final financial plan. The focus is on reaching agreements on education funding distribution and housing deals to address key issues in the state budget. Legislative leaders are committed to resolving these matters and ensuring that essential services are not disrupted while negotiations continue. The cooperation between lawmakers, the governor, and key stakeholders is crucial in reaching a consensus that benefits all parties involved. As discussions progress, the goal remains to finalize the state budget in a timely manner and address the challenges facing New York.

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