New York Gov. Kathy Hochul made controversial comments about President Trump and his supporters ahead of his rally in the Bronx, calling them “clowns” and asserting that New York will never support Trump for president. The Trump campaign responded by stating that Hochul is upset that Trump is drawing larger crowds in the state than she could, and Democrats are facing disarray as Americans, including Hispanics and Blacks, are realizing they have been used by the Democratic Party. Despite New York not voting Republican since 1984, Trump believes he has a chance of winning the state in November.

A recent Siena College poll showed that President Biden had a nine-point lead over Trump in New York, with support for Biden at 47% and Trump at 38%. This is a significant reduction from Biden’s 2020 win in the state with 60.8% of the vote. The New York GOP criticized Hochul for her remarks, accusing her of displaying intolerance and disdain for a portion of the state’s population. The GOP called for Hochul to apologize for her offensive comments and urged her to show respect for the diversity of thought and beliefs of New Yorkers.

Hochul has a history of making controversial statements, including telling GOP candidates to “get out of town” and “head to Florida where they belong” in 2022. These comments were reminiscent of Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” statement from 2016, where she referred to half of Trump’s supporters as racist, sexist, homophobic, and xenophobic. The New York GOP and Republicans were outraged by Hochul’s comments, accusing her of alienating hardworking citizens with her elitist and offensive rhetoric.

The Trump campaign emphasized that Hochul’s comments were a reaction to Trump’s growing popularity in New York and the awakening of many Americans, including Hispanics and Blacks, to the Democratic Party’s exploitation of their votes. Even though Trump has faced legal issues in the state, he remains hopeful about his chances in New York. However, Hochul’s disdain for Trump and his supporters has drawn criticism from Republican officials and the GOP, who argue that the people of New York deserve a leader who respects their diversity and is committed to working for all citizens, regardless of political views.

Hochul’s office did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the controversy surrounding her statements. The ongoing tensions between Democrats and Republicans in New York, particularly regarding the upcoming election and perceptions of Trump, highlight the deep ideological divides within the state. As the political climate becomes increasingly polarized, the need for respectful discourse and understanding among leaders and citizens becomes more crucial to ensure unity and progress for all New Yorkers.

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