Donald Trump’s supporters have launched a website referring to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as “Radical F—ing Kennedy,” with the intention of attacking the independent presidential candidate. Kennedy has made statements indicating that he aims to appeal to supporters of both Trump and President Biden, potentially acting as a “spoiler” candidate in the race. The website lists various “radical liberal” ideas that Kennedy has supported, including gun confiscation, reparations to African Americans, a 70% income tax, and the Green New Deal.

The website features tweets from Kennedy retweeting articles supporting a 70% top tax rate and calling the National Rifle Association a “terror group.” It also highlights Kennedy’s statements about banning assault weapons and fracking, as well as comments he made about hog farmers being more dangerous to the US than Osama bin Laden. Additionally, the site mentions Kennedy’s relationships with Sen. Bernie Sanders and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, as well as his opposition to voter ID laws.

Kennedy’s stance on reparations is another key point highlighted on the website. In the past, Kennedy’s campaign website mentioned setting federal dollars aside to rebuild Black infrastructure and providing redress payments or tax credits to descendants of victims of persecution. However, the campaign later revised its stance on reparations to include all devastated communities, not just Black ones, based on need rather than skin color.

Despite being labeled as a “radical liberal” by Trump’s supporters, Kennedy has not openly criticized Trump and has instead focused on challenging the two-party system. Kennedy’s campaign aims to attract votes from both Biden and Trump, with Kennedy even claiming that Trump had asked him to be his vice president. This statement led to tension between the Trump and Kennedy campaigns, with Kennedy eventually ruling out the VP position and a Trump adviser denying that the conversation ever happened.

The attacks on RFK Jr. by Trump’s supporters reflect the rising tensions in the political landscape as the 2024 presidential race approaches. Kennedy’s platform and statements on various issues like gun control, tax rates, reparations, and voter ID laws have positioned him as a divisive figure in the race. Despite this, Kennedy’s strategy of appealing to supporters of both major parties highlights the potential for third-party candidates to influence the outcome of the election and challenge the dominance of the traditional two-party system.

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