London-based startup Daye aims to revolutionize cervical cancer screening by offering tampon-based HPV tests. With the goal of eliminating cervical cancer by 2040, England has pledged to improve screening rates. Currently, only 68.7% of women in England are up to date with their cervical smears, falling short of the 70% target recommended by the World Health Organization.

Cervical cancer is primarily caused by human papillomavirus, which is commonly transmitted through sexual contact. While most cases of HPV do not cause any symptoms, persistent infections can lead to cervical cancer. Screening typically involves HPV primary testing, which detects high-risk HPV in cervical smear samples. Daye’s tampon-based tests offer a self-administered and convenient option for women who may feel embarrassed or uncomfortable with traditional smear tests.

The startup’s tampons allow users to collect their samples at home and send them to a lab for testing. The results are then delivered digitally, providing a more discreet and convenient option for those who may feel hesitant to undergo in-person screenings. Daye’s tampons have not yet been integrated into the national screening program, but users can take their positive HPV results to their doctor for further evaluation and treatment.

Daye’s tampon tests are part of an entrepreneurship scheme supported by England’s public health system, the National Health Service Innovation Accelerator. This program aims to promote innovative solutions that improve patient outcomes and reduce costs for the NHS. While the endorsement does not guarantee widespread adoption, it helps entrepreneurs like Daye understand how their products could be incorporated into the healthcare system.

Valentina Milanova, the founder of Daye, emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive approach to cervical cancer prevention, including vaccination, screening, and testing. By offering a discreet and accessible option for HPV testing, Daye hopes to encourage more women and individuals assigned female at birth to proactively monitor their cervical health. The company’s mission aligns with the goal of eliminating cervical cancer by 2040 through improved screening and early detection methods.

Overall, Daye’s innovative tampon-based HPV tests offer a promising alternative to traditional cervical smear screenings. By addressing issues of embarrassment and discomfort associated with conventional tests, this startup aims to increase screening rates and ultimately contribute to the global effort to eradicate cervical cancer. With the support of England’s public health system and a commitment to improving women’s health outcomes, Daye’s tampon tests could play a vital role in advancing cervical cancer prevention and early detection efforts.

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