Starting on Wednesday, drivers in Saskatchewan who are caught stunting, racing, or speeding excessively will face harsher penalties. This includes a 30-day vehicle impoundment and an immediate seven-day licence suspension. These stricter penalties were introduced in October 2022 by SGI. Speeding excessively is defined as driving 50 km/h or more over the speed limit, or double the posted limit. In addition to the impoundment and licence suspension, fines have also been increased, with stunting carrying a $580 fine, up from $150.

The province of Saskatchewan has implemented these measures in an effort to crack down on dangerous driving behavior. Actions that could result in fines, impoundment, and licence suspension include stopping or slowing to interfere with the movement of other vehicles, speeding in and out of lanes to unsafely pass vehicles, and chasing other vehicles. Fines for street racing have also been increased, with a first offence costing $580, up from $205. A second offence will cost $1,400, and a third offence and any subsequent offences will incur a fine of $2,100.

These new penalties are aimed at promoting road safety and preventing dangerous driving practices in Saskatchewan. The increased fines and impoundment periods serve as a deterrent to drivers who engage in risky behaviors such as stunting, racing, or excessive speeding. SGI hopes that these measures will help reduce the number of collisions and injuries caused by reckless driving on the province’s roads.

Drivers in Saskatchewan are urged to familiarize themselves with the new penalties and to obey the rules of the road to ensure the safety of themselves and other road users. By following speed limits, avoiding dangerous driving maneuvers, and respecting other drivers, individuals can contribute to a safer driving environment for everyone. It is important for drivers to be aware of the consequences of their actions and to take responsibility for their behavior behind the wheel.

SGI’s list of actions that could result in fines, impoundment, and licence suspension serves as a reminder of the serious consequences that can result from engaging in dangerous driving behavior. Drivers are encouraged to drive responsibly and to consider the implications of their actions on their own safety and the safety of others. By following the rules of the road and respecting fellow drivers, individuals can help create a safer and more enjoyable driving experience for everyone on Saskatchewan’s roads.

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