A recent study conducted by travel site Upgraded Points revealed that Frontier Airlines is the airline most likely to bump passengers from their flights compared to other major airlines. Bumping, or denied boarding, occurs when airlines oversell flights leading to more passengers than available seats on the plane. Frontier Airlines involuntarily bumped 3.21 passengers per 10,000 travelers from the beginning of 2023 to 2024, which is 400% more than any other U.S. airline according to the study. This practice can be frustrating for travelers who have purchased tickets and find themselves being bumped from their flights.

Keri Stooksbury, the editor-in-chief of Upgraded Points, reiterated the frustration that travelers experience when being bumped from a flight after purchasing a ticket. The study was conducted to inform travelers about which airlines are most likely to experience involuntary denied boardings. American Airlines came second after Frontier, bumping 0.6 passengers per 10,000 travelers, while Spirit Airlines was next with a rate of 0.43 per 10,000 travelers. On the other hand, Delta Air Lines and Allegiant Air had the fewest involuntary denied boardings, with both airlines reporting zero bumps.

Although airlines often compensate passengers willing to give up their seats on overbooked flights, such as offering cash or a flight upgrade, the study found that the compensation varies regionally. In Arkansas, travelers would agree to be bumped for an average minimum of $382, while in California passengers would only agree to do so for $832. Additionally, the study noted that Delta Air Lines had the highest number of voluntary bumps at 7.49 per 10,000 fliers.

While being bumped from a flight is a common occurrence due to airlines overselling tickets in anticipation of no-shows, it can be a frustrating experience for passengers. The study aimed to provide travelers with information on which airlines are most likely to bump passengers, allowing them to be better informed when booking flights. Frontier Airlines topped the list of airlines with the highest rate of involuntary denied boardings, followed by American Airlines and Spirit Airlines. Conversely, Delta Air Lines and Allegiant Air had the fewest involuntary denied boardings, both reporting zero bumps.

The issue of involuntary denied boardings highlights the challenges faced by both travelers and airlines in managing overbooked flights. While compensation is typically offered to passengers willing to give up their seats, the study revealed regional differences in the amount passengers are willing to accept to be bumped from their flights. Ultimately, being bumped from a flight is a common occurrence in the airline industry that travelers should be aware of when booking their flights to avoid potential frustrations.

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