Russian pop star Monetochka has released a new song titled “It Happened in Russia” which has gone viral among anti-war emigres since its release last week. The song’s lyrics reflect on life before the Kremlin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, with the chorus emphasizing that events in Russia happened a long time ago. The song has inspired hundreds of people to share videos on social media showing snippets of life before the war, including clips of foreigners partying in Moscow during the 2018 FIFA World Cup and scenes of everyday life.

Since the February 2022 invasion of Ukraine, hundreds of thousands of Russians, including politicians, activists, journalists, and artists, have moved abroad. The invasion has led to the deaths of thousands of Ukrainians and Russians, as well as a sweeping crackdown on dissent within Russia. The war has also isolated Russia from the West, prompting many to reflect on the life they once knew in their home country. Monetochka’s new album “Prayers. Anecdotes. Toasts” features the song “It Happened in Russia” as its opening track, capturing the nostalgia for a time when life was different.

Videos posted on social media in response to Monetochka’s song range from clips of famous performers from around the world who used to come to Russia for concerts to reflections on intensified literary censorship in the country. One video shows a young man leafing through a book with blocks of text blacked out, highlighting the changes in censorship during the war. Some people have shared footage of their daily lives and time spent with friends and family before the invasion, expressing a sense of loss for the way things used to be in Russia.

The song has resonated with both Russian emigres and those who remained in the country, with many expressing a sense of nostalgia for the past and frustration with the current state of affairs. Some comments under social media posts featuring the song express feelings of having been robbed of the life they once knew in Russia. Monetochka, who also fled Russia due to her opposition to the war, was labeled as a “foreign agent” by Russian authorities in 2023, demonstrating the government’s efforts to silence dissenting voices.

The impact of the war in Ukraine has reverberated throughout Russian society, prompting reflection on the consequences of the conflict and the changes it has brought about. The invasion has led to a significant exodus of people from Russia, as well as a crackdown on dissent and isolation from the international community. Monetochka’s song serves as a reminder of the life that once was, stirring emotions and memories of a time before the war. By sharing videos and memories of life before the invasion, people are coming together to reflect on their shared experiences and preserve the memories of a different Russia.

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