Tracy Muggli, a Saskatchewan resident, was appointed as a senator by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on August 17. This appointment makes her the first senator from Saskatchewan since 2021, and she now joins five other senators representing the province. Prior to becoming a senator, Muggli served as the executive director for St. Paul’s Hospital in Saskatoon and worked in the Saskatchewan Health Region. With a background in healthcare, Muggli hopes to contribute to discussions on substance use, mental health, and research at the national level. She aims to engage with Canadians and Saskatchewanians to work towards making improvements in these areas.

The primary role of the Senate is to review bills that have been passed by the House of Commons. Senators engage in debates, reviews, and potential amendments to ensure that the legislation is well thought out and beneficial for all Canadians. They act as a “sober second thought” before bills receive royal assent. Muggli recognizes the responsibility that comes with being a senator and emphasizes the importance of thorough review and thoughtful consideration when it comes to shaping the laws of the land. She is committed to doing what is right for all Canadians through her work in the Senate.

Muggli is set to be officially sworn in as a senator on September 18, marking the beginning of her tenure in the upper chamber of the Canadian Parliament. As a newly appointed senator, she is eager to fulfill her duties and represent the interests of Saskatchewan on a national level. With her background in healthcare and a deep understanding of the issues facing Canadians, Muggli hopes to make a positive impact through her work in the Senate. She is looking forward to engaging with Canadians and addressing important topics such as substance use, mental health, and research to contribute towards meaningful improvements in these areas.

The appointment of Tracy Muggli as a senator from Saskatchewan is a significant milestone for the province, as she becomes one of the key representatives in the upper chamber of the Canadian Parliament. With her experience in healthcare and dedication to public service, Muggli is well-positioned to contribute to important discussions and make informed decisions that benefit all Canadians. Her appointment highlights the diversity and expertise present in the Senate, as she joins a diverse group of senators from various backgrounds and regions across the country.

Muggli’s appointment comes at a crucial time when issues related to healthcare, mental health, and substance use are at the forefront of public discourse. As a senator, she hopes to advocate for policies and initiatives that address these pressing issues and improve the overall well-being of Canadians. Through her work in the Senate, Muggli aims to collaborate with colleagues, engage with stakeholders, and make informed decisions that have a positive impact on the lives of Canadians. Her appointment is a testament to her commitment to public service and her desire to contribute towards a stronger and more inclusive society.

In conclusion, Tracy Muggli’s appointment as a senator from Saskatchewan represents a significant achievement and an opportunity to make a meaningful impact on key issues facing Canadians. With her expertise in healthcare and a strong dedication to public service, Muggli is poised to contribute to important discussions and decisions in the Senate. As she officially begins her tenure as a senator, Muggli looks forward to engaging with Canadians, advocating for positive change, and representing the interests of Saskatchewan on the national stage. Her appointment highlights the importance of representation and diversity in the Senate, as she joins a diverse group of senators in shaping the legislative landscape of Canada.

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