The post-electoral survey conducted by Ipsos for Le Monde, the center for political research at Sciences Po, the Montaigne Institute, and the Jean Jaurès Foundation reveals a widespread distrust towards the political class in France. The survey reflects a general feeling of disenchantment with the current state of politics and questions the relevance of traditional political parties in the aftermath of the European and legislative elections.

The political situation in France is described as unprecedented and dangerous, with a sense of confusion and cacophony prevailing. The traditional idea of a republican front seems to be fading, and there are concerns about a potential rise of the far-right Rassemblement National (RN) due to voter disaffection and disillusionment with the current state of affairs.

The risk of voter disengagement is highlighted, with concerns that French citizens may feel that their participation in the electoral process was in vain, leading to potential protests and demonstrations. The lack of a government formation and the absence of a clear political direction contribute to the growing mistrust towards the new Assembly and the government, with low approval ratings for the President.

The survey also reveals a growing dissatisfaction with the political class and a sense of disconnect between politicians and the public. There is a perception of being poorly represented, along with a fragmentation of society where different groups tend to select information that confirms their existing views rather than challenging them.

The study indicates a lack of constructive debates among voters, with discussions around the recent legislative elections being limited and relatively subdued. There is a concern that the lack of vibrant political discourse and engagement may lead to further polarization and radicalization in society, as well as a growing disenchantment with the political process.

Overall, the survey underscores the need for a more responsive and accountable political system that addresses the concerns and expectations of the electorate. The rising disaffection towards traditional political parties and the growing distrust towards the political class suggest a pressing need for renewal and reform in the French political landscape. There is also a call for more transparency, inclusivity, and dialogue in the political decision-making process to rebuild trust and engagement among citizens.

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