Galvanick is an industrial cybersecurity company founded by Josh Steinman, Brandon Park, and Feliks Pleszczynski in 2021. Steinman, a former U.S. Navy officer who previously worked at the National Security Council, recognized the vulnerability of digitized industrial operations to cyberattacks. Galvanick’s software monitors work environments for potential breaches in sectors such as aerospace and telecom. The company recently opened an office in Seattle, near Amazon’s headquarters, with the team split between Seattle and Los Angeles.

Ransomware attacks against industrial companies increased by approximately 50% last year, prompting the founders to start Galvanick. The company’s software provides digital oversight for large connected facilities, analyzing data for abnormal activity and issuing alerts. With a shortage of cybersecurity professionals specialized in industrial scenarios, Galvanick aims to help small teams cover a broad area and protect critical infrastructure. Despite rising demand for cybersecurity tools, venture capital investment in related startups decreased last year.

Galvanick raised a $10 million seed round in June, with investors including MaC Venture Capital, Founders Fund, Village Global, Countdown Capital, Hanover Technology Investment Management, Shrug Capital, and 8090 Industries. Steinman sees promise in using AI to combat threats, such as identifying patterns and alerting for risks instantly. However, there is a high standard for allowing AI tools on industrial systems due to the potential for errors, so widespread adoption may take time. Geopolitical factors, such as warnings from FBI officials about potential Chinese hacking operations targeting U.S. infrastructure, add to the urgency of industrial cybersecurity.

The founders of Galvanick are driven by the anticipated growth of cybersecurity threats and the need to protect industrial operations from cyberattacks, especially with the increasing connectivity of facilities. The company’s focus on monitoring and analyzing data within industrial operations to detect any suspicious activity sets it apart in the cybersecurity industry. As the threat landscape evolves, Galvanick aims to stay ahead of potential breaches by providing comprehensive cybersecurity solutions for the aerospace and telecom sectors. The team’s diverse backgrounds in the military, technology, and economics bring valuable expertise to addressing the cybersecurity challenges faced by industrial companies.

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