The Council of Ministers has approved a decree-law aimed at combating aggressions, which includes penalties such as up to 5 years in prison, deferred arrest, and fines of up to 10,000 euros. The decree-law introduces penalties of 1 to 5 years of imprisonment and a fine of 10,000 euros for those who attack healthcare staff within hospitals, public or private residential or semi-residential healthcare facilities. It also amends Article 635 of the Penal Code, which deals with the crime of damage, specifying that the penalty will be imprisonment for 1 to 5 years and a fine of 10,000 euros if the crime is committed within or in the vicinity of healthcare or residential healthcare facilities, public or private.

The penalties will be applied in cases where things existing in or destined for healthcare or residential healthcare service are destroyed, dispersed, deteriorated, or made wholly or partially unusable. Furthermore, the penalty will be increased if the crime is committed by a group of people in collaboration. The new measures are aimed at protecting healthcare workers who are increasingly facing violence and aggression in their workplaces, ensuring a safer environment for both staff and patients. The decree-law seeks to deter individuals from assaulting and damaging healthcare facilities by imposing severe penalties.

Violence against healthcare workers has been a growing concern, with reports of attacks becoming more frequent in recent years. The new decree-law addresses this issue by introducing stricter penalties for those who commit acts of violence or damage within healthcare facilities. By increasing the consequences for such actions, the government hopes to discourage future incidents and improve the safety and security of healthcare staff. The measures are also aimed at sending a clear message that violence against healthcare workers will not be tolerated and will be met with severe consequences.

In addition to the penalties for attacks on healthcare staff, the decree-law also includes provisions for increased penalties if the crime is committed by multiple individuals acting together. This provision is intended to address cases where groups of individuals collaborate to cause harm or damage within healthcare facilities. By increasing the penalties for group offenses, the government aims to deter individuals from engaging in coordinated acts of violence and damage, thereby reducing the likelihood of such incidents occurring in the future.

The decree-law is part of a broader effort to improve workplace safety and security for healthcare workers, who play a crucial role in providing essential services to the public. By introducing harsher penalties for those who attack or damage healthcare facilities, the government is sending a clear message that such actions will not be tolerated. The measures are intended to protect healthcare workers from violence and aggression, ensuring that they can carry out their duties in a safe and secure environment. The government hopes that the new decree-law will serve as a deterrent to those who might consider engaging in violent or destructive behavior within healthcare settings.

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