Tranter’s resignation comes after the recent election results saw Richard Parker elected as the new mayor of the West Midlands. Parker’s statement regarding the role of cycling and walking commissioner suggests that plans for the position will be shared in the future, leaving uncertainty as to whether the role will be maintained or a new commissioner will be appointed.

The new mayor plans to engage with various community stakeholders, council leaders, and the police and crime commissioner to establish a collaborative approach that prioritizes active travel and road safety in the region. Tranter’s departure from the role is effective immediately, leaving behind a legacy of successful projects aimed at improving cycling and walking facilities across the West Midlands.

Having been in the position since 2021, Tranter expressed gratitude for the opportunity to work towards creating safer streets for walking and cycling in the region. He credited former Mayor Andy Street for his support and backing during his tenure as cycling and walking commissioner. Tranter’s decision to step down allows the new administration to develop their own active travel plans, indicating a commitment to advancing the agenda of prioritizing active transportation in the West Midlands.

Tranter’s resignation marks a transition in leadership for cycling and walking initiatives in the region, with the new mayor poised to shape the future direction of these projects. The decision to step aside reflects Tranter’s willingness to support the new administration in their efforts to promote walking and cycling as sustainable modes of transportation. The focus on collaboration with key stakeholders suggests a commitment to ensuring that active travel remains a top priority in the West Midlands.

The departure of Tranter and the impending appointment of a new cycling and walking commissioner signal a shift in leadership and strategy for promoting active travel in the West Midlands. As the region looks towards the future under new mayoral leadership, the role of cycling and walking in creating safer and more sustainable streets will likely remain a key focus. Tranter’s resignation sets the stage for the new administration to shape their own vision for promoting walking and cycling as integral components of the region’s transportation network.

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