Beppe Grillo wrote a letter to Giuseppe Conte, published in Il Foglio, defending the democratic values of the 5 Star Movement and accusing others of trying to dismantle its democratic safeguards. The letter addresses Conte’s accusations of a “paternalistic” view of the movement, stating that upholding certain rules is essential to maintaining its democratic values. Grillo emphasizes the importance of preserving the original vision of the movement, which aims to create a more authentic democracy close to the citizens. He also mentions the rationale behind the limit of the double mandate as a way to prevent the risks faced by other political forces.

In response to Grillo’s assertions, Conte published a lengthy letter in Corriere della Sera, criticizing Grillo’s interpretation of the role and powers of the Guarantor within the movement. Conte argues that the Guarantor’s duty is to uphold the fundamental values of the movement but does not have the authority to veto or inhibit assembly consultations. He highlights the principle of democratic participation, stating that the Assembly of members holds sovereign power, as outlined in the movement’s statute. Conte addresses the possibility of revising certain rules and principles of the movement, such as the double mandate limit, emphasizing the democratic process of consultation and decision-making within the organization.

Conte challenges Grillo’s attempt to restrict deliberative discussions on foundational principles of the 5 Star Movement, asserting that no statute is immune to modifications by the Assembly. He refutes Grillo’s claim of veto power, stating that decisions regarding key topics are subject to democratic consultation and revision processes. Conte concludes by warning Grillo of possible actions to suspend contracts involving the movement, citing concerns about Grillo’s public statements undermining the movement’s democratic ethos and potentially leading to legal disputes or factional divisions. He urges Grillo to reconsider his approach to allow for open and inclusive decision-making within the organization.

The exchange of letters between Grillo and Conte highlights the ongoing clash over the democratic principles and internal governance of the 5 Star Movement. Grillo defends the movement’s founding values and the need to safeguard its democratic integrity, while Conte advocates for a more participatory and inclusive decision-making process. The disagreement centers on the interpretation of the Guarantor’s role and the limits of authority within the movement, reflecting broader tensions within the organization regarding power dynamics and decision-making structures. The back-and-forth correspondence underscores the challenges of balancing leadership with participatory democracy in a political movement founded on anti-establishment principles.

Ultimately, the conflict between Grillo and Conte underscores the complexities of managing a grassroots political movement while upholding democratic values and principles of transparency and accountability. The exchange of letters reflects deeper disagreements within the 5 Star Movement over its direction and leadership, as well as the tension between preserving the original vision of the movement and adapting to changing political dynamics. As the debate continues, both Grillo and Conte must navigate these internal challenges to ensure the movement’s continued relevance and effectiveness in an evolving political landscape.

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