A New Jersey businessman testified in court that Senator Bob Menendez assured him there was no threat from a state criminal probe that was affecting his business. The businessman had made payments on a Mercedes-Benz for Menendez’s girlfriend, leading prosecutors to argue that this, along with other bribes, was paid to influence the senator to serve their interests. Menendez’s defense lawyers claim the interactions were just constituent meetings where the senator was helping his state as part of his role.

Menendez, who has refused to step down, was forced out of his position as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee after the charges were revealed. The businessman, Jose Uribe, described meeting the senator at a fundraiser and bringing up the issue of investigations at a dinner meeting. Uribe believed Menendez could assist with his legal troubles, but it would come at a cost. Two other businessmen are on trial with Menendez, all pleading not guilty, while Nadine Menendez, the senator’s wife, awaits trial following surgery.

Uribe recalled having a conversation with Menendez at a dinner in 2019, where he expressed concerns about a criminal probe affecting his business. Menendez assured him that there was no issue and later called him to confirm. The businessman expressed gratitude through a text message to Menendez’s girlfriend. In a subsequent dinner with the senator, Menendez boasted about saving Uribe from the investigations involving his business. A former New Jersey Attorney General testified that he cut off Menendez when he tried to discuss the criminal probe, emphasizing that such matters should be handled through legal channels.

Menendez also cited mistreatment of Hispanics in the trucking industry during a meeting with the Attorney General. The businessman emphasized that without his cooperation deal and the leniency expected, he could face a lengthy prison sentence for his crimes. The trial continues with testimonies from various parties involved in the case, shedding light on the alleged bribes and influence-peddling that occurred. The defense maintains that Menendez was simply doing his job as a senator, meeting with constituents and working for the benefit of his state. The outcome of the trial will determine the senator’s future in politics and the implications for the businessmen involved.

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