A new video obtained by Global News shows a float plane colliding with a boat in Vancouver’s Coal Harbour. The video shows the Harbour Air plane taxiing on the water before picking up speed and crashing into the boat, causing two people on the boat to be seriously injured. The five people on board the float plane were unharmed. The Port of Vancouver confirmed the collision and immediately dispatched emergency response vessels to the scene. The Transportation Safety Board of Canada is investigating the incident.

Former investigator Bill Yearwood commented that it appears neither party could see the other during the collision. Visibility can be restricted during the initial stages of a float plane takeoff, improving as the aircraft gets up on the step. However, as the aircraft gets closer to objects on the water, the line of vision becomes lower. Yearwood mentioned that it is unclear what exactly happened during the collision but expressed relief that the individuals on the aircraft only suffered minor injuries, while those on the boat were seriously injured. He noted that a similar incident occurred about 20 years ago and is surprised that collisions like this one do not happen more frequently.

The incident highlights the potential dangers of watercraft collisions in busy harbors like Coal Harbour. It serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining clear visibility while operating both boats and float planes on the water. The Port of Vancouver’s quick response to the collision demonstrates the importance of having emergency protocols in place for such situations. The investigation by the Transportation Safety Board of Canada will likely provide more insight into the causes of the collision and any necessary safety precautions to prevent similar incidents in the future.

The collision between the float plane and boat occurred at the entrance of Coal Harbour and was captured on video, providing valuable evidence for the investigation. The footage shows the moment of impact and the aftermath, with the plane’s tail sticking up above the water as the boat floats nearby. Despite the potential for more serious injuries or fatalities, all individuals involved in the collision were fortunate to escape with relatively minor injuries. This incident serves as a wake-up call for both float plane operators and boat owners to practice caution and vigilance while navigating busy waterways.

The collision raises questions about the visibility challenges faced by pilots during float plane takeoffs and the importance of maintaining a clear line of sight to avoid accidents. As former investigator Bill Yearwood noted, visibility can be restricted during the initial stages of takeoff, presenting a risk of collisions with other watercraft. It is essential for pilots to be aware of their surroundings and potential obstacles while operating on the water. The incident underscores the need for ongoing training and safety measures for both float plane pilots and boat operators to minimize the risk of accidents in crowded harbor areas like Coal Harbour.

Overall, the collision between the float plane and boat in Vancouver’s Coal Harbour serves as a cautionary tale about the potential dangers of watercraft accidents in busy waterways. The incident underscores the importance of maintaining clear visibility and practicing caution while operating both boats and float planes on the water. The quick response from the Port of Vancouver and ongoing investigation by the Transportation Safety Board of Canada will provide valuable insights into the causes of the collision and any necessary safety measures to prevent similar incidents in the future. By learning from this unfortunate event, steps can be taken to enhance safety and prevent further accidents in harbors and waterways.

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