Police are continuing their search for Skylar Meade, an inmate who escaped from a Boise hospital after a gunman entered and shot two corrections officers. The attack, described as “brazen” and “apparently coordinated” by police, occurred early Wednesday morning while Meade was at the hospital receiving medical treatment. The identity of the gunman remains unknown, but both individuals fled the scene in a gray four-door sedan. One corrections officer is in critical but stable condition, while the other has serious but non-life-threatening injuries. A responding Boise police officer also inadvertently shot a third corrections officer at the scene.

Boise Police Chief Ron Winegar condemned the attack as a violent and coordinated effort to facilitate Meade’s escape. He warned the public that the suspects are armed, dangerous, and willing to use extreme violence to further their criminal activities. Meade, who was serving a 20-year sentence for firing a gun at police officers during a high-speed chase in 2016, has a history of aggressive behavior while incarcerated. In 2017, he pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and possession of a shank in jail, indicating a pattern of violence.

This incident adds to the alarming number of prison escapes in recent years. According to a CBS News analysis, over 1,100 prison escapes have occurred in the last five years. While escapes are not uncommon, high-profile cases involving dangerous individuals from high-security facilities are rare. One such case involved convicted murderer Danelo Cavalcante, who escaped from a Pennsylvania prison last year and evaded capture for nearly two weeks. However, this escape was not coordinated with an outsider and did not involve a violent attack like the one in Boise.

Authorities are working tirelessly to locate Meade and the gunman, emphasizing the danger they pose to the community. The escape from the Boise hospital highlights the pressing need for enhanced security measures in correctional facilities to prevent similar incidents in the future. Additionally, it underscores the risks faced by law enforcement officers who put their lives on the line to protect the public. As the search for Meade continues, law enforcement agencies are urging anyone with information on his whereabouts to come forward and assist in ensuring the safety of the community.

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