The extreme right in the Balearic Islands is facing a new crisis as the parliamentary leadership of Vox has resigned en bloc. The three members of the leadership, Idoia Ribas, Sergio Rodríguez, and Agustín Buades, who make up three out of the seven Vox members in the regional parliament, have stepped down from their organizational roles, but have not resigned from their seats. This move comes after the three had recently formed an association outside of Vox, causing tension with the national leadership. These three lawmakers were also involved in a previous crisis where they expelled the party president, Patricia de las Heras, and the Parliament president, Gabriel Le Senne, leading to conflict with the national Vox leadership.

Last week, Ribas, Rodríguez, and Buades announced the creation of an association called Avanza en Libertad, independent of Vox, aimed at mobilizing society in defense of freedom, democracy, unity, and Spanish cultural identity. Sources within Vox suggest that the intention of the national leadership was to pressure the lawmakers to leave the party and the parliamentary group, a move that has not yet occurred. If the three lawmakers move to the Mixed Group as unaffiliated members, Vox would be left with only four parliamentarians. Ribas has stated that despite resigning from their leadership roles, the alignment with the party remains strong.

The Vox parliamentary group has been divided since the crisis in January, with Ribas, Rodríguez, and Buades at odds with the national leadership, while De las Heras and Le Senne remain loyal to Santiago Abascal’s direction. The remaining lawmakers, Manuela Cañada and María José Verdú, who initially supported the rebel lawmakers, have recently shown a closer alignment with the national leadership, even participating in campaign events in the Basque Country. The current situation leaves the Vox parliamentary group in a state of uncertainty and division.

The recent resignations are a sign of growing tensions within Vox in the Balearic Islands, as the rebel lawmakers have taken steps to distance themselves from the party and form their own independent association. The lack of communication between the national leadership and the rebel lawmakers has further complicated the situation, with uncertainty about their future within the parliamentary group. The division within the party reflects wider ideological rifts within the Spanish political landscape.

The crisis within the extreme right in the Balearic Islands reflects broader challenges faced by Vox as a party, as internal disagreements and power struggles threaten to undermine its political influence. The ongoing conflict within the Vox parliamentary group highlights the difficulties of maintaining unity within a party that has experienced rapid growth and significant internal tensions. The resignations of the leadership in the Balearic Islands signal a deeper crisis within Vox, with implications for the party’s future direction and political prospects in the region.

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