The book by Patrick Roger on the “tragedy” of New Caledonia acknowledges that the story could have ended in a happy way, but the epilogue remains open. The author, a former journalist at Le Monde and a well-versed expert on the complex issue of New Caledonia, acknowledges that the conclusion of the book is yet to be written. The situation in Nouméa has escalated dramatically since mid-May, with a violent Kanak uprising involving sincere activists, opportunistic gangs, and self-defense militias. President Emmanuel Macron has promised an “uncompromising” response to the violence.

The history of New Caledonia, with all its shadows and light, is relevant to everyone as it highlights the unresolved issue of colonialism at the heart of French history. Patrick Roger narrates the complete story of the New Caledonian tragedy since the French planted the flag on the territory in 1853 out of love for the people and passion for politics. Political disputes have consumed the leaders of the territory, whether loyalists or independence supporters, leaving them lost in short-term electoral squabbles and unable to envision the future desired by their fellow citizens, as outlined in the major agreements of Matignon-Oudinot in 1988 and Nouméa in 1998.

In late 2021, a significant turning point takes place in New Caledonia, with the territory undergoing a referendum on independence as prescribed by the Nouméa Accord. This is the third referendum following those held in 2018 and 2020, occurring amidst a Covid-19 crisis and six months before the 2022 presidential election. In Paris, Minister of Overseas France Sébastien Lecornu believed he had secured consensus for the December 12 referendum, particularly from Daniel Goa, president of the Union Calédonienne, and Sonia Backès, a leader of the loyalist group in the New Caledonian Congress.

The outcome of the referendum and the future of New Caledonia remain uncertain as tensions rise between different communities and political factions. The complex history and ongoing issues in New Caledonia serve as a microcosm of the unresolved colonial legacy of France. The book by Patrick Roger offers a comprehensive analysis of the situation, providing insights into the challenges facing the territory and the urgent need for dialogue and compromise to ensure a peaceful and prosperous future for all its inhabitants. The unresolved nature of the story reflects the ongoing struggles and complexities of the New Caledonian situation as it continues to evolve.

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