Conservative attorney George Conway is taking a stand against former President Donald Trump by placing billboards near Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home and two of his favorite golf courses. The billboards, organized by Conway’s Anti-Psychopath PAC, highlight Trump’s reputation as a cheater and liar, extending beyond the golf course into every aspect of his life. The PAC has strategically placed 13 billboards around Trump’s Bedminster golf course in New Jersey, his Doral golf course in Florida, and his Mar-a-Lago home to ensure that Trump himself sees them.

Numerous Trump golf partners have come forward to accuse the former president of cheating, especially on courses that he owns. Sportswriter Rick Reilly, who has played golf with Trump, has claimed that Trump cheats “like a mafia accountant.” The Anti-Psychopath PAC is hoping that these billboards will push Trump’s buttons and provoke him into another bout of unhinged behavior, further demonstrating his unfitness for office. The billboards near the golf courses will be up until August 25, while the one near Mar-a-Lago will remain until November as part of a six-figure ad campaign.

Conway’s efforts to publicly criticize Trump through billboards are aimed at calling out Trump’s unethical behavior and lack of integrity. By placing these billboards in locations where Trump frequents, Conway is attempting to hold the former president accountable for his actions and to highlight his pattern of dishonesty. The billboards serve as a reminder to passersby that Trump’s reputation as a cheater and liar goes beyond the golf course and into all aspects of his life, further cementing his image as a corrupt and untrustworthy individual.

The billboards outside Trump’s golf courses and near his Mar-a-Lago residence are part of a larger campaign by the Anti-Psychopath PAC to shine a light on Trump’s character flaws. Despite his no longer holding political office, Trump remains a polarizing figure in American politics, and Conway’s efforts to challenge and provoke him are driven by a belief in the importance of accountability and transparency. Through these billboards, Conway seeks to expose Trump’s true nature and to show the public the kind of person he believes the former president to be.

The timeline for the billboards, with some remaining in place until November, indicates a sustained effort by Conway and the Anti-Psychopath PAC to keep the pressure on Trump and continue to draw attention to his behavior. The organization’s strategy of strategically placing the billboards near locations significant to Trump shows a calculated approach to reach the former president and those close to him. By maintaining a presence near Trump’s golf courses and Mar-a-Lago, the billboards aim to keep the conversation around Trump’s character alive and to provoke a reaction from the former president.

Overall, the campaign led by George Conway through the Anti-Psychopath PAC is a bold and public attempt to challenge Trump on the basis of his ethical conduct and integrity. By highlighting Trump’s alleged cheating and dishonesty on the golf course and in other aspects of his life, the billboards serve as a stark reminder of the controversies that have surrounded Trump throughout his political career. Conway’s efforts to provoke Trump with these billboards demonstrate a commitment to holding public figures accountable and to ensuring that the truth about their actions is not lost or forgotten.

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