President Biden has announced a new federal action plan that will provide a path to permanent residency and eventual citizenship for undocumented spouses of American citizens who have lived in the United States for at least 10 years. This initiative aims to benefit around 500,000 spouses and approximately 50,000 children, protecting them from deportation and allowing them to stay with their families. Biden’s campaign manager, Julie Chávez Rodríguez, emphasized the importance of addressing issues that matter to communities and families, highlighting the impact of this executive order on reuniting families and providing a sense of security to those affected.

Chávez Rodríguez also compared the actions taken by the Biden administration with those of former President Donald Trump, particularly noting the harsh family separation policies implemented by the previous administration. Trump, on the other hand, criticized Biden’s immigration policy during a recent speech in Wisconsin, accusing him of granting mass amnesty to illegal immigrants and suggesting that many would support him in the upcoming election. Despite Biden’s significant support from Latino voters in 2020, his approval among this demographic has decreased by 12 points, leading to concerns about potential Republican gains in battleground states with large Latino electorates.

In response to Trump’s remarks and the possibility of a Latino vice presidential candidate on the Republican ticket, Chávez Rodríguez expressed confidence in Biden’s appeal to the Latino community and dismissed the idea that a single individual or speech could overshadow Trump’s negative view towards the Hispanic population. While Trump’s campaign is considering potential vice presidential candidates like Sen. Marco Rubio, Chávez Rodríguez remains focused on Biden’s commitment to addressing the needs and concerns of Latino voters, emphasizing the impact of policies like the recent executive order on immigration and family reunification.

The upcoming general election will be a crucial opportunity for both parties to engage with Latino voters and address key issues affecting their communities. Biden’s executive order on immigration reflects a broader effort to provide relief and support to undocumented individuals and their families, while Trump’s criticisms and promises to reverse Biden’s actions highlight the ongoing debate around immigration policies and their implications for the future. With less than five months until the election, both campaigns will continue to focus on mobilizing and appealing to Latino voters, recognizing their significance in key states and the potential impact on the outcome of the election.

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