President Joe Biden’s campaign released a new abortion ad for the 2024 election, following comments by former President Donald Trump stating that abortion laws should be decided by individual states. The ad features Amanda Zurawski, a Texas woman who almost died from a miscarriage and is suing the state for denying her medical care to prevent infection, including abortion. Doctors were forced to send her home, and she ended up in the ICU with sepsis, causing potential damage that may prevent her from getting pregnant again. The ad blames Trump for Amanda’s ordeal and is part of a $30 million campaign airing in battleground states on multiple television channels.

The 60-second ad showcases Amanda and her husband Josh discussing their pregnancy, during which they started preparing for the baby by buying items like a baby book. At 18 weeks, Amanda’s water broke, leading to a miscarriage. Due to Trump’s actions, the couple alleges that Amanda was denied necessary medical care, resulting in her near-death experience. The emotional video concludes with text stating “Donald Trump did this” as Amanda breaks down in tears, with Josh comforting her. The ad is part of a strategy to highlight the importance of reproductive rights and the potential dangers of overturning the landmark 1973 ruling.

The ad will air on local and national cable television, popular entertainment, and sports programming, including shows like ESPN, Comedy Central, and Grey’s Anatomy. The couple has also mentioned plans to move Amanda’s frozen embryos out of Texas in case the state stops providing in vitro fertilization services. Biden and Democrats are focusing on the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade as a key issue for the upcoming election, hoping to benefit from public support for reproductive rights. The 2022 midterm elections demonstrated the importance of this issue for voters, and the ad campaign aims to amplify this message leading up to November.

The Biden campaign’s decision to release this ad comes in response to Trump’s comments advocating for states to handle abortion laws independently. By highlighting Amanda’s traumatic experience and the potential consequences of restrictive abortion policies, the ad seeks to sway voters to support candidates who prioritize protecting reproductive rights. The emotional story of a woman nearly dying due to lack of access to abortion services is meant to evoke empathy and illustrate the real-world impact of political decisions on individuals and families.

The ad campaign is a part of a larger effort to mobilize support for Democratic candidates in battleground states and turn public opinion against Trump’s stance on abortion. By airing the ad on a variety of television channels and programs, the campaign aims to reach a wide audience and spark conversations about the importance of reproductive rights. With the upcoming election approaching, both parties are engaging in strategic messaging related to key issues like abortion to rally their bases and attract undecided voters. The ad featuring Amanda Zurawski is a powerful tool in this political battle, highlighting the personal stakes involved in the debate over abortion laws and Supreme Court rulings.

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