Shooting Star Vodka has taken a unique approach to creating their Ultra-Premium vodka by infusing it with a meteorite discovered in 1977. This marks the first time a high-end vodka has been made with a meteorite, giving it a distinct taste and texture. The product recently made its debut in the U.S. after being launched by Pegasus Distillerie, a premium organic spirits brand founded in France. The brand, named after one of the largest constellations in the sky, prides itself on incorporating celestial elements into its products, making the use of a meteorite a perfect fit for their vision.

The vodka is made from organic wheat and botanicals sourced from France, distilled using state-of-the-art technology, and slowly reduced with pure spring water from a well 150 meters below the distillery in Burgundy. This meticulous process allows the makers to create small batches of uniquely refined flavors and aromas. The vodka is then aged for at least a year in a terracotta jar with the meteorite suspended in the middle, imparting a minerality that complements the smooth, sweet notes of the spirit. The chondrite mineral unique to meteorites adds a distinctive flavor to the vodka, allowing the flavors to linger on the palate longer than traditional vodkas.

Founder and CEO Maxime Girardin explained that incorporating a meteorite into the vodka was a way to embody the brand’s celestial theme, as the closest they could get to bottling stars. Only 4,806 bottles of Shooting Star Vodka have been produced, each priced between $180 and $200, making it a limited and exclusive product. The unique combination of organic ingredients, advanced distillation methods, celestial inspiration, and the essence of the meteorite itself sets Shooting Star Vodka apart from other premium vodkas on the market.

Consumers are encouraged to enjoy the vodka the way the makers suggest – on the rocks, to fully appreciate the flavors and textures that result from the meteorite infusion. The presence of the chondrite mineral in the final product adds a special touch to the vodka, enhancing its smooth and refined character. Girardin emphasized the importance of this mineral in creating a unique mineral flavor profile that sets Shooting Star Vodka apart from other spirits. The limited availability of the product adds to its appeal, attracting those who seek out unique and exclusive beverages that offer a sensory experience unlike any other.

The distilling process used by Pegasus Distillerie allows for the creation of small-batch vodkas that are meticulously crafted and carefully aged to achieve the desired flavors and textures. The slow reduction process with pure spring water ensures that each bottle of Shooting Star Vodka is of the highest quality and consistency. The brand’s commitment to using organic ingredients and innovative techniques in their distillation sets them apart in the world of premium spirits, offering consumers a unique and captivating experience with each sip of their vodka. Whether enjoyed on its own or mixed into a cocktail, Shooting Star Vodka promises to leave a lasting impression.

With Shooting Star Vodka, consumers have the opportunity to taste a premium vodka that not only embodies the celestial essence of its brand but also presents a truly unique and innovative product. The combination of organic ingredients, advanced distillation techniques, and the infusion of a meteorite results in a spirit with a smooth mouthfeel, distinctive minerality, and refined flavors. The limited release and the exclusivity of the product further add to its appeal, making it a sought-after beverage for those who appreciate exceptional quality and craftsmanship in their spirits. By embracing the elements of the cosmos and incorporating them into their vodka, Pegasus Distillerie has created a one-of-a-kind product that offers consumers a truly out-of-this-world experience with each sip.

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