Forty-nine Latino leaders have signed an open letter expressing their condolences for the Latino immigrant workers who tragically died in the Baltimore bridge collapse. The letter also condemns the spread of false narratives that undermine the contributions of Hispanic people in the United States. The leaders, representing various sectors such as civic, cultural, legal, labor, corporate, medical, educational, and political organizations, emphasize the important role that the Latino community plays in building and maintaining the nation’s infrastructure.

The letter was released as President Joe Biden visited the site of the bridge collapse to meet with the victims’ families. The leaders highlight the sacrifices made by Latino workers in various industries and emphasize the need to celebrate and acknowledge their contributions. They also push back against anti-immigrant rhetoric that has arisen following recent high-profile incidents involving undocumented immigrants, with some politicians using these events to push for harsh immigration policies.

Former President Donald Trump’s recent dehumanizing comments about migrants are also mentioned in the letter, which underscores the importance of recognizing the positive contributions of immigrants to society. The leaders point out that recent research indicates that immigrants are not more likely to commit crimes in the U.S., despite the misleading narratives that are sometimes promoted for political gain. The letter aims to challenge the negative stereotypes and misinformation surrounding the Latino immigrant community.

The letter references past instances where Latino workers played crucial roles in rebuilding areas devastated by national tragedies, such as the Pentagon and World Trade Center after 9/11, and the city of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. Hispanic workers make up about a third of the nation’s construction workers, facing disproportionate risks in an industry considered high hazard by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The letter emphasizes the hard work, resilience, and selflessness of immigrant workers who help keep the nation strong.

The letter will also be published in the Baltimore Sun, reaching a wider audience and further highlighting the message of unity and recognition of Latino contributions. The signatories include prominent figures from organizations such as the Friends of the National Museum of the American Latino, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, the Hispanic Heritage Foundation, Justice for Migrant Women, and others. These leaders represent a diverse range of fields and backgrounds, united in their commitment to celebrating the Latino community and combating harmful stereotypes.

In conclusion, the open letter signed by Latino leaders serves as a powerful reminder of the important contributions made by Latino immigrant workers, particularly in the construction industry and infrastructure development. The letter condemns false narratives and anti-immigrant rhetoric while highlighting the sacrifices and resilience of the Latino community. It calls for a recognition of the positive impact of immigrants and emphasizes the need to celebrate and support their crucial role in shaping the nation. The letter aims to counter misinformation and stereotypes, promoting unity and solidarity in honoring the memory of those who lost their lives in the Baltimore bridge collapse.

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