A $2.78 million lawsuit was awarded to a petrified au pair after discovering her fast-food mogul employer had been secretly recording her in various stages of undress using a hidden camera in her bedroom. The employer, Michael Esposito, hid the camera in a smoke detector to capture footage of the 25-year-old Colombian native, who he had hired to care for his four children. Despite being arrested and charged with unlawful surveillance, Esposito avoided prison time with two years of probation and counseling, which outraged the victim, Kelly Andrade. She expressed her anger, stating that the payout and lack of consequences for Esposito were insufficient for the irreversible damage he caused her.

Andrade had undergone extensive training before being placed with Esposito in 2021 while his family was living at his in-laws’ home in Staten Island. Shortly after joining the family, Andrade noticed Esposito tampering with the smoke detector in her room, prompting her to investigate. Inside, she found a camera with “hundreds of recordings” capturing her in intimate moments. Upon discovering the camera, Andrade pretended to be asleep as Esposito returned to the house, prompting her to flee by jumping out of a window, injuring herself in the process.

Esposito was arrested after Andrade reported the incident to the police, but in a surprising turn of events, he was able to withdraw his felony plea and pleaded down to a misdemeanor after completing counseling. Andrade’s lawyer criticized the lack of consequences for Esposito, highlighting the stark difference in the treatment of the victim and the perpetrator. Despite the traumatic experience, Andrade attended a four-week civil trial where a jury ruled that Esposito must pay her $2 million in damages, in addition to $780,000 for emotional distress.

Andrade, who now resides in New Jersey with her husband, emphasized the importance of speaking out against abuse to encourage other au pairs and immigrants who have been victims of similar situations. She shared her difficult experience in court, recounting the memories brought back by facing Esposito and his lack of accountability. Andrade’s bravery in coming forward serves as a reminder for others to report their aggressors and seek justice. As of press time, attempts to reach Andrade’s lawyer or Esposito’s attorney were unsuccessful, leaving questions about the aftermath of the case and the implications for both the victim and the perpetrator.

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