The letter from “Unsettled in Massachusetts” describes a situation where a woman has been in a relationship with a man for 25 years, but he is still legally married. They have lived together for most of this time and have children together. The woman is unsure about whether she should be concerned about the man not being divorced and is worried about nagging him. Dear Abby advises her to consult with a lawyer to understand the legal implications of his marital status and to have a conversation with the man about finalizing his divorce.

Another letter writer, “Hates Vultures in Illinois,” is upset about the behavior of his neighbors who have shown interest in the house of a man fighting cancer next door. One of the neighbors even approached the man saying he would be interested in buying the house if he was going to sell it. Dear Abby suggests that the upset neighbor should not get involved and let things play out, as he may end up living next to these people in the future unless someone else outbids them for the house.

In a heartbreaking letter, “Grieving in the West” shares that they recently discovered their son was molested by a family member starting when he was in second grade, despite his teacher’s recommendation for counseling due to his introverted behavior at the time. The parents are reeling from guilt and wondering how to help their son. Dear Abby advises them to seek help from a licensed psychotherapist for themselves and their son, emphasizing the importance of addressing the trauma that the son has experienced.

Overall, the advice given in these Dear Abby letters highlights the importance of addressing difficult and sensitive issues in relationships and seeking professional help when needed. In the first letter, the woman is urged to understand the legal consequences of her partner’s marital status for her own future security. The second letter emphasizes staying out of sensitive situations involving neighbors and allowing things to unfold naturally. Finally, the third letter underscores the significance of seeking therapy and support to navigate the aftermath of a traumatic event experienced by a child. Dear Abby provides compassionate and practical guidance to help these individuals navigate their challenging circumstances.

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