The political clash began as soon as the rivers swelled, the banks broke, and the roads flooded. The center-right accused the Emilia-Romagna region of not spending the money provided by the government, while the center-left responded with accusations of political scavenging and reminded of the government’s lack of attention towards the flooded areas. The conflict intensified as the majority and opposition exchanged blows throughout the day, even as rescue efforts were underway.

The confrontation is exacerbated by the upcoming regional elections in Emilia-Romagna in two months. The center-left has put forward Michele de Pascale, mayor and president of the Province of Ravenna, as their candidate, while the center-right candidate Elena Ugolini has resumed attacking the region. The issue of the flood would have been central to the electoral campaign in the coming two months, but after recent events, it will be even more so. Beyond the election campaign skirmishes, the conflict is violent and involves institutions.

The debate revolves around the allocation of funds for flood recovery in Emilia-Romagna. Nello Musumeci stated in a press conference that the region had received 594 million for flood prevention, but questioned how much of that had been spent. He also criticized the Minister of Environment, Pichetto Fratin, for the national flood prevention plan being stalled. Meanwhile, the region has only spent a portion of the allocated funds, according to the vice minister Galeazzo Bignami, sparking a disagreement with the Emilia-Romagna region.

The Emilia-Romagna region disputes the reconstruction figures presented by officials, with acting president Irene Priolo emphasizing the ongoing management of various construction sites by the region and the decision to handle the emergency through General Figliuolo chosen by the government. Elly Schlein, representing the Democratic Party alongside Emilia-Romagna, accused the government of engaging in political scavenging during the crisis for electoral purposes, criticizing the lack of adequate resources and accusing Giorgia Meloni of making empty promises.

The clash is further fueled by personal attacks between officials involved. Bologna’s Mayor Matteo Lepore criticized the Minister of Civil Protection for not being present during the ongoing flood, accusing him of engaging in campaign activities instead of fulfilling his institutional duties. Graziano Delrio also criticized the minister, calling his questions to the Emilia-Romagna region ridiculous and pointing out the minister’s own track record as president of Sicily and questioning his handling of funds during his time in office. The political conflict continues to escalate as various officials and parties trade barbs and accusations in the wake of the flooding crisis in Emilia-Romagna.

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