Last Saturday afternoon, several prison officials accessed the cell of inmate Ana Julia Quezada, searched her and her room for a mobile phone, which they did not find. Subsequently, she was “preventively” transferred to an isolation module, as confirmed by sources from the Brieva prison in Ávila, where she is located. Quezada was sentenced in 2019 to life imprisonment with the possibility of parole for the murder of Gabriel Cruz, the 8-year-old son of her then partner, Ángel Cruz, in February 2018 in Almería. These recent movements in her cell and in the prison occurred just after Gabriel’s mother, Patricia Ramírez, held a press conference in Almería denouncing that a documentary was being filmed with the killer of her son from prison about the child’s death for profit, promoted by her former lawyer, Esteban Hernández Thiel.

The Ministry of the Interior and the General Directorate of Prisons, against which Ramírez criticized for allegedly not preventing the recordings despite her personal communication with the Secretary of State, Rafael Ruiz, and the Secretary General of Prisons, Ángel Luis Ortiz, refer to the communication made last weekend. They stated that the Ministry of the Interior will collaborate with the Justice to address any legal actions taken by Patricia Ramírez, and they cannot provide data on any specific prisoner. Ramírez claimed that Quezada had made these recordings similar to how Ana Rosa Peral did (accused in the case of the urban guard’s crime), damaging the image and memory of the child’s family, forcing them to expose themselves publicly again to stop it. Ramírez initiated a debate on the limits of True Crime and urged institutions and television platforms to halt both the filming and possible broadcasting of the documentary.

Ramírez has stated that she has handed the matter over to the Central Operating Unit of the Civil Guard (UCO) after obtaining evidence from a direct source that prison officials may have provided the murderer of her son with a mobile phone inside the prison. From the Prisons Institutions, they, like the ministry, cannot provide information on any specific prisoner, and explain that there is a protocol for conducting interviews in prison that requires notifying both the prison’s management and the general secretary if any prisoner is to be accessed for dissemination purposes. The mother of Gabriel, who has advocated for families who have experienced similar situations and resist turning them into entertainment or media fodder, informed the Secretary of State of Security and the General Secretary of Prisons on several occasions, pointing out that irregularities are occurring in prisons.

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