Three friends riding their motorcycles in Bolu made Gölköy Reservoir their stop. Experiencing adventurous moments on steep slopes and dirt fields, the friends also went on a tour by the lake.

Driver Tanay Tanyar did not notice a mud pile formed at a point where the lake was drained, resulting in his motorcycle getting stuck in the mud and flipping over. The driver’s moments were captured second by second on his helmet camera.

The moments when the three friends struggled for minutes to get the stuck motorcycle out of the mud were also captured on camera.

The friends spoke of the excitement they experienced during their adventurous journey and how they managed to overcome the challenges they encountered. They also emphasized the importance of safety precautions while engaging in extreme sports activities.

The footage of the incident quickly went viral on social media, with many users praising the friends for their bravery and teamwork. The friends are now planning their next adventurous trip, keeping in mind the lessons learned from their experience at Gölköy Reservoir.

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