The families whose children were abducted to the mountains by the terrorist organization PKK started a sit-in protest in front of the HDP Provincial Headquarters building on September 3, 2019.

In the protest that 375 families have been carrying out on a rotating basis for 1714 days, so far 53 families have been reunited with their children.

As the mothers on duty entered Mother’s Day with a heavy heart, Ayşegül Biçer, who was reunited with her son Mustafa in 2021 but continues to stand guard for other families, said, “The mothers crying out here are burning with the longing for their children. Yes, I have reunited with my own child. For two terms, my child has been with me on Mother’s Day. My wish is for all mothers to reunite with their own children, for this pain to end soon. I also want to make a call to our children. Come back to your mothers’ arms today, on Mother’s Day. You are the greatest gift to them. We want this longing to end. We call on all parents right now. Stand up for your children. I call on you to ask for your children from the HDP, the political wing of the PKK. I am sure that just like 53 mothers have reunited with their children, our other mothers will also reunite with their children. On Mother’s Day, we want to laugh, not cry. I invite all of Turkey to join in the lament of these grieving mothers.”

(Last paragraph can start here from the break)
The families have been carrying out this protest in order to raise awareness about the children who have been forcibly taken away from them and to pressure the authorities to take action for their safe return.

The sit-in protest has attracted attention nationwide, with many people showing solidarity with the families and demanding action from the government to address the issue of child abduction by terrorist organizations.

The families have been enduring incredible hardship and emotional pain as they continue their vigil for the safe return of their children. The emotional toll of being separated from their loved ones and not knowing their whereabouts has taken a heavy toll on the families involved.

Despite the challenges they face, the families remain steadfast in their determination to see their children returned safely. They are calling on all parents to stand up for their children and demand their safe return, and are hopeful that their efforts will lead to more families being reunited with their children in the near future.

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