A Massachusetts mother and her family experienced a traumatic turn on a Carnival Cruise Lines trip when her 12-year-old son, Aiden, suffered a life-threatening medical emergency. Aiden was diagnosed with a perforated bowel and required immediate surgery while the ship was 350 nautical miles away from the nearest hospital. Rescuers from the U.S. Air Force’s 920th Rescue Wing flew 1,200 miles over eight hours to medevac the mother and son from the ship in the Atlantic Ocean. Dramatic photos showed the pair being hoisted up into helicopters by combat rescue officers based in Florida.

Despite the harrowing experience, the mother, Angela Bridges, expressed gratitude for the professionalism and care provided by the ship’s medical staff and rescue team. Aiden, who was not responsive enough to be frightened during the rescue, was recovering from the traumatic incident. After the surgery at New Hanover Regional Medical Center in North Carolina, doctors remained unsure about the cause of the boy’s medical emergency. Bridges praised the efforts of the Carnival Cruise Lines staff in handling the situation with compassion and attentiveness.

Initially excited for a 10-day cruise on the Venezia, Bridges, her husband, and Aiden were concerned when the boy’s health deteriorated. Aiden was unable to keep food down, leading the family to attribute his symptoms to seasickness or overeating. Medical staff on board the ship were unable to assist, prompting a call for rescuers. Bridges commended the crew’s efforts to make her family comfortable during the ordeal, including providing antianxiety medication and ensuring they had food before the helicopter rescue.

Following the medevac, Carnival Cruise Lines upgraded the family’s internet service free of charge so they could stay in touch. Despite canceling pre-paid excursions and being unsure about taking another cruise in the future, Bridges appreciated the care provided by the cruise line and its staff. She reflected on the mixed emotions of the experience, acknowledging both the severity of the situation and the support received from Carnival. While unsure about future cruises, Bridges expressed gratitude for the assistance and care her family received during the challenging incident.

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