Mother Teresa, who later became known as Saint Teresa of Calcutta, passed away on September 5, 1997, at the age of 87. Before her death, she wrote a final letter to the Missionaries of Charity, the religious community she founded. In this letter, she provided insight into her spiritual life in her last moments and expressed excitement for the future. She encouraged her community to be dedicated solely to Jesus through Mary, highlighting the importance of Mary’s relationship with Jesus.

Mother Teresa emphasized the significance of imitating Mary’s faith and love for Christ. She believed that by being completely devoted to Jesus through Mary, one would become a true Missionary of Charity. She expressed gratitude for the spirit of Our Lady that guided their society and reminded them that their mission was to serve Jesus in the poorest of the poor. Mother Teresa’s letter reflected on the anniversary of the founding of the Missionaries of Charity and urged her followers to continue spreading love and charity.

Born as Agnes Gonxhe Bojaxhiu in Skopje, North Macedonia, Mother Teresa felt called to religious life during her teenage years. She joined the Sisters of Loreto in Ireland at the age of 18 and later moved to India to work in missions. After professing her final vows with the Sisters of Loreto and taking on the name Mother Teresa, she founded the Missionaries of Charity in 1948. This new religious order was dedicated to serving the poorest of the poor, which became the focus of Mother Teresa’s life’s work.

In 1950, the Missionaries of Charity received official approval to operate in the Archdiocese of Calcutta. Mother Teresa and her order were committed to serving the marginalized regardless of social class, creed, or color. The Missionaries of Charity have since grown to over 5,000 members worldwide, continuing their mission to provide immediate and effective service to those in need. Mother Teresa’s belief in showing God’s concern for the poorest and most vulnerable remains a driving force behind the work of the Missionaries of Charity.

Mother Teresa’s love for Jesus and dedication to serving the poor were evident throughout her life. She left a legacy of selfless service, inspired by her deep faith and devotion to God. Her canonization as St. Teresa of Calcutta in 2016 was a testament to her impact on the world and the lives of those she touched. The Missionaries of Charity continue to carry out her mission of serving the poorest of the poor, spreading love, compassion, and charity wherever they go.

Mother Teresa’s final letter to the Missionaries of Charity serves as a reminder of her unwavering commitment to serving Jesus through Mary and leading a life dedicated to love and charity. Her teachings continue to inspire people around the world to emulate her faith, selflessness, and devotion to those in need. The impact of her work and the legacy of the Missionaries of Charity stand as a testament to Mother Teresa’s enduring influence and the power of love and service in shaping a better world.

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