Tracy Ann Gardiner, a mother-of-two, tragically died in a house fire after her synthetic hair extensions caught fire and caused severe burns. The incident occurred in Tantobie, near Stanley, County Durham, with brave passers-by attempting to rescue her but unable to reach her due to smoke and fumes. Firefighters believe her hair extensions ignited as she lit a cigarette in the kitchen, leading to her clothes catching fire as she made her way to bed. Despite efforts to save her, Ms. Gardiner was found in bed badly burned and pronounced dead at the scene by medics.

The inquest revealed that Ms. Gardiner had a history of alcoholism, and toxicology reports showed she was severely intoxicated at the time of the fire. It was determined that no third-party involvement or suspicious circumstances were involved in her death. Home Office Pathologist Sam Hoggard stated that the cause of Ms. Gardiner’s death was due to the effects of the fire and acute alcohol intoxication. Fire investigators believe that the fire in the kitchen started when a cigarette ignited Ms. Gardiner’s synthetic hair, causing drips to fall onto her clothing, which ultimately led to her clothes catching fire and spreading to the bed.

Neighbors witnessed the black smoke billowing from Ms. Gardiner’s house and attempted to alert her, but the thick smoke prevented them from reaching her. Firefighters arrived and extinguished the blaze, but it was too late to save Ms. Gardiner. The inquest concluded with Assistant Coroner Rebecca Sutton recording a verdict of misadventure, stating that the likely cause of the fire was the ignition of Ms. Gardiner’s synthetic hair by a lit cigarette. The molten hair dripped onto her clothing, which continued to burn as she went upstairs to her bedroom, resulting in a significant fire.

The tragic incident highlighted the dangers of synthetic hair extensions, especially in combination with smoking and alcohol, leading to a deadly outcome for Ms. Gardiner. The community members who tried to rescue her were commended for their bravery in attempting to save her life. The inquest served as a reminder of the importance of fire safety measures and the hazards posed by synthetic materials in close proximity to ignition sources. Despite the efforts of emergency responders and neighbors, Ms. Gardiner’s life was cut short due to a devastating house fire that resulted in her untimely death.

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