Marian Robinson, the mother of former First Lady Michelle Obama, passed away peacefully on Friday, leaving behind a legacy of love and support for her family. Robinson played a crucial role in the Obama family’s journey, from doubts about Barack and Michelle’s relationship to moving into the White House with them in 2009. Despite her initial reluctance to leave Chicago, where she had spent her entire life, Robinson eventually agreed to move to Washington for the sake of her granddaughters, Malia and Sasha, who were just 10 and 7 at the time.

Robinson’s presence in the White House was a comforting and grounding force for her granddaughters, providing them with love and support amidst the whirlwind of presidential life. While she initially resisted the idea of living in the White House permanently, Robinson eventually embraced the opportunity to travel and experience new things, including accompanying the Obamas on international trips. Her newfound freedom and anonymity in Washington allowed her to explore the world and participate in various White House events, all while being a steady and loving presence for her family.

In addition to caring for her granddaughters, Robinson also enjoyed a level of independence and freedom that the president and first lady envied. She was able to come and go from the White House as she pleased, often going on shopping trips around town or attending events in and outside of Washington. Despite her newfound travels and experiences, Robinson remained a humble and dedicated mother and grandmother, always putting the needs of her family before her own.

Throughout her life, Robinson emphasized the importance of education to her children and instilled in them a sense of ambition and drive. Both Michelle and her brother, Craig, went on to attend Ivy League schools, with Michelle later obtaining a law degree from Harvard. Despite doubts about the longevity of Michelle’s relationship with Barack Obama, Robinson was a firm supporter of their love and marriage, which has endured for over three decades. Robinson’s legacy lives on through her children, grandchildren, and the countless lives she touched with her kindness and grace.

In her passing, Marian Robinson leaves behind a family who is grateful for the extraordinary gift of her life and the love and support she provided to them. Her presence in the White House was a source of strength and comfort for her family during their time there, and her impact will be felt for generations to come. As the nation mourns the loss of this remarkable woman, her family will strive to live up to her example and honor her memory in all that they do. Marian Robinson will always be remembered as a loving mother, grandmother, and a true matriarch of the Obama family.

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